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Page 5

  Panic clawed at my belly as I looked around the room. Where in the fuck were we? Within a few seconds, I knew. Although I’d never seen the penthouse that was to be our temporary home, I knew that’s where he’d taken me. How long had I been out? How did we get here? Question after question slammed through my head…only to be replaced with visions of what happened once we entered the club—beginning with the meeting with Javier and ending with my punishment for being disrespectful to my Dom. I wasn’t sure what I’d expected when I’d dreamed up the brilliant plan of covering up my pouting by playing the naughty sub. What I never imagined was him forcing me on my knees in front of everyone, making me lick his cock, through the denim of his jeans, of course, and then, to my humiliation, drape me over his lap, pull my jeans down, and spank my ass…like a child. And then, just when I thought things couldn’t get any worse, it started…the floating…the spiraling out of control. Again, the club sounds, loud and rowdy, sounded far away and the only focus I had was me, Seth, and the gift he was giving me.

  Then, the exquisite, comforting, and peaceful darkness.

  My actions were abso-fucking-lutely-ridiculous. I was addicted, and Seth was my drug of choice. No matter what he did, my body responded obediently. Sure, my brain tried to rebel, fight off the unfamiliar urges, but it was clearly a damned losing battle.

  I didn’t know if I should be furious with myself, disappointed with myself...or proud of myself.

  He rolled a bottle of water across the floor toward me. “Drink.”

  For the first time since I’d experienced my first BDSM session, I wanted to rebel at even the simplest of tasks. What was wrong with me? “How did we get here?” I asked while removing the cap from the bottle and taking a swig of the cool water.

  “Bentley—the same way we got to the club.”

  “No! Here! How did…how did I get here?” I motioned wildly around the room.

  “I carried you,” he answered. “Drink it all, Baker. You sweated a lot and you’ve been out for nearly thirty minutes. I need your fluids replenished.”

  “You carried me? Of course, you did. Why not? I couldn’t walk, right? I was incapacitated. No worries. It happens all the time.” I needed to escape. Hide. Run away. The problem was, it was me I needed to hide from—not Seth. I made a huge gesture of looking around the penthouse living room. “Nice digs, huh? I guess we are rich. I hope you took the elevator and not the stairs. I’m not a light-weight. Were there people in the lobby? How many people saw it? Was I drooling? Should I have…?”

  Seth held up his hand for me to stop talking. “Just breathe, Baker. It’s a natural reaction to the chemicals your body releases from the pleasure you receive from the pain. It’s nothing to be ashamed of. If anything, you should be proud. You have an ability…a gift that not many people are able to achieve, no matter how hard they try or how much time and training they invest. Why does it bother you?”

  I looked away, ashamed. I shouldn’t enjoy the feelings coursing through my body. I shouldn’t crave another man’s hands on me. The visions that intruded into my mind, no matter how hard I tried to push them away, shouldn’t be there. They were dangerous. I could easily see myself confusing reality with fantasy.

  A horrible thought crashed into me. “Did I suck your cock?” My eyes bore into his. “Tell me, Seth! Did I?”

  He looked amused. “No, Baker, you didn’t. Why would you think you did?”

  Because I’d imagined it when I knelt in front of him. His scent was strong and mixed with a hint of musk. The bulge at his crotch had called out to me and I’d wondered what he tasted like. Did that part of him smell as good as the rest of his body? Would his cock be thick or long…or both? Would it fit in my mouth or choke me when he pushed too far down my throat? Would it feel like velvet or steel inside my mouth?

  “No reason,” I answered, bewildered by the direction of my thoughts and the disappointment I felt upon hearing I hadn’t gotten the opportunity to let him fuck my mouth.

  “Drink the rest of the water, Baker. Don’t make me tell you again.”

  I gulped the rest of the bottle down and tossed it aside. I’d tried being mad. I’d tried pouting. What would be my next game plan to purge Seth from my soul?

  I stood up, wobbled, steadied myself and then pulled my body up into perfect posture. “Which room is mine?” I asked. “I need a shower.”

  Seth stood up, crossed the room, and wrapped his hand against my upper arm. “This way,” he ordered as he pulled me down the hall. We passed one bedroom door and then pushed the second door open. “This is your room, Baker. Come on, let’s get you to the shower.” He kept pulling at my arm and I kept following. Once inside the luxurious bathroom, he began stripping my clothes off. It wasn’t sexual. His movements were gentle yet firm and he had me stripped in seconds. “Don’t move,” he told me as he moved toward the shower, turned the water on, and waited until he felt like the temperature was acceptable. When he was satisfied, he motioned for me to step underneath the hot spray. I hissed when the water made contact with my burning ass and he quickly turned me around. “I have some cream for that. I’ll put it on you once you’ve showered.” He looked at me and asked, “Do I need to wash you? If you’re too weak, I’ll handle it for you.”

  I wanted him to, but I also knew my body couldn’t handle more of his…touch. Not yet. Every inch of my body was over—sensitized, and Seth was responsible for that sensitivity. Damn him. “I’ve, uh, got it,” I answered weakly. “Can I be alone for a few minutes? I…kinda need it.” I forced myself to look him in the eye and added, “I promise I’ll yell if I feel dizzy or weak.”

  He studied me, looking for dishonesty, and finally agreed, “Okay, but yell, Baker. I’ll be here within seconds. I’m going to grab the cream and I’ll wait for you in your bedroom. Don’t bother getting dressed yet. Your ass will appreciate my medicated cream.”

  I nodded because it was all I could do. If I opened my mouth, I might beg him to stay. When I closed my eyes, I could see his hands, slippery with soap, washing the sweat and dried cum from my body. “I’m good. Please leave.”

  “Are you sure, Baker?”

  “More than sure,” I growled. I expected him to get angry or frustrated with me. Instead he chuckled softly…which was even worse, I supposed.

  “You are definitely going to keep me on my toes. First my aftercare isn’t enough and now it’s too much.” He ran his fingers through my hair, massaging my scalp in the process, and said, “Don’t worry. We’ll get there in due time. It’s a learning process for both of us…Baker.”

  He left the room, pulling the door toward him but leaving it cracked so he could hear in case I needed him. How in the hell did he know what him saying my name did to me? Why did it do something to me? I pushed the thoughts away and rushed through the process of scrubbing myself clean. It was my cum dried on my skin, not his. Seth had yet to get any relief during our encounters. I had to be honest with myself, I sucked as a Dom’s sub.

  It would have been easy to stay hidden in the shower and contemplate my shortcomings, but I knew if enough time passed, Seth would come after me. With my body clean and hair washed, I stepped out of the shower and grabbed an extra fluffy towel—where did they find towels this fluffy? Thankfully, it was as soft as I imagined clouds would be and wasn’t too rough on my abused flesh. After wrapping the towel around my waist, I brushed my teeth. Flossed. Shaved. Towel dried my hair. Cleaned up the mess I’d made in the bathroom. Used the toilet. Paced the confines of the super-sized room a couple of times. Then, and only then, did I admit I’d run completely out of stalling methods. It was time to face Seth and his delightful cream, which I assumed he intended to rub on my sore ass. Nice.

  His words about the aftercare popped into my head. He was one hundred percent correct, but, in my defense, the first time had been his problem, not mine. Tonight, however, was all me. The thing was, I suspected I knew what both our problems were—we’d each enjoyed the encounters more than we’d know
n we would. Seth had wanted to dislike me…to prove I couldn’t be a worthy sub since I wasn’t gay. My goal had been to prove him wrong. I’d known my training would get me through any stumbling blocks he tried to throw my way—well, except for the one where my body, the damned fucking traitor it was, wanted him. In all the possible scenarios I’d tumbled around in my head, this had never been one of them.

  Yet, here I…wanted him. Not really knowing what I wanted, but wanting him, nonetheless. Anal sex was off the table—that shit had to hurt-and while I liked a bit, or a bunch, of pain during play time, I usually regarded sex time as all pleasure. Oral sex? When I rolled out of bed this morning that also had been a huge negative. After tonight, I was more than…curious. I could lie to everybody at that club and Seth, but there was no lying to myself. I’d wanted his cock in my mouth.

  Why? I didn’t have a fucking clue.

  I took a deep breath, held my shoulders up, and opened the door enough to step through. Seth was there, sitting on my bed, grinning like the asshole that was starting to grow on me, and holding his bucket of cream.

  I hadn’t taken the first step when he said, “And setting a new world’s record in the Olympic game of stalling in the bathroom is Agent Baker Daley! Give him a round of applause!”

  I couldn’t stop the laugh that bubbled up. I might have known he’d see straight through me. Instead of trying to deny the obvious, I simply took a bow to the fake crowd and grinned back at him. “Guilty.”

  He smiled back, and I found myself amazed at how much the genuine smile softened his features. If we didn’t have this giant gay/straight wall between us, I would undoubtedly enjoy hanging out with him. Hell, I enjoyed being around him already. If that wall between us ever crumbled, I’d be in serious trouble.

  “Lose the towel and lay down on your belly, gold medalist. Let’s see how much damage I’ve done to that cute bubble butt of yours.”

  I hesitated as the images flickered through my mind again. Me draped across his lap. My cock, hard and leaking, trapped between his legs. His open hand spanking my ass with a diligence that could have earned a gold medal, itself. The crowd that had gathered around us. The wicked remarks. And then…blackness. It had been a taste of heaven.

  “You gonna Rainbow me over cream to the ass?” he asked.

  “Fuck off,” I answered with a grin. My feet finally started moving and within seconds, I was naked and lying on the bed in front of him. “If you tell me to put a pillow under my hips, I’m going to slug you. Sir.” I added sweetly.

  “Hmmm…I hadn’t thought about it, but now that you’ve mentioned it, that’s an excellent idea.” He grabbed a pillow and said, “Lift up.”

  He was right, I’d asked for that one. I should have kept my big mouth closed. I lifted my hips and he had the pillow, doubled—over, of course, beneath my hips before I could think of another curse word to direct toward him. With the pillow folded, my ass was even more arched into the air. I felt my cheeks burn with embarrassment, but my cock was hardening. Maybe I was into humiliation after all?

  Gently he rubbed the cream against my skin and it felt delicious. My flesh still burned from his punishment and the cream had the perfect amount of coolness to make the burn become a faint memory. “Not bad at all,” he murmured. “You’re barely pink. I went too easy on you. It won’t happen again. I can’t wait to see this ass a bright red.”

  As red as my face?

  “Yeah, well I can’t wait to challenge you on the mats…when this is over, of course. I bet I can shut that smart mouth up in a nice wrestling match.”

  His fingertip made a seductive trail down the center of my back. When he reached the top of my crack, he leaned over and said, “There are other…ways to shut my smart mouth up, Baker.” His tongue licked my ear. “And they’re a lot more fun and…tasty.”

  Oh, fuck.

  Suddenly, he pulled back. “I’m going to make you a sandwich, you stay here, just the way you are. We need to let the cream air dry before you turn back over. I’ll only be a few minutes. Ham or turkey?”

  “Turkey,” I mumbled. My mind was too occupied with the image of my cock in his mouth to give more than one—word answers. When he returned a short time later, the images were still in my head and my naked ass was still in the air. When I heard his chuckle, I flipped over and dove beneath the covers. There was absolutely no reason to display my stiff-as-stone cock to him. No reason at all.

  “Eat your sandwich, the apple, drink the power drink, and then go to sleep. You need rest after this evening’s events.” He sat the tray on the nightstand next to me and took hold of my chin, tilting my head to the left and then the right. “You already had dark circles under your eyes when we boarded the plane this morning. You aren’t taking care of yourself properly. That’s unacceptable,” he reprimanded. His thumb tenderly brushed the skin beneath my eye. “Lights out in twenty minutes, Baker. I’ll be on the balcony, in the hot tub, if you need me for anything.” He pointed toward the wall of curtains in my room. “I’ll keep those closed for your privacy, but just step outside the door and give me a yell. Understood?”

  If anybody else said it to me, I’d feel like I was being dismissed. With Seth, it made me feel warm and fuzzy, like he was taking care of me. “Yes, Daddy,” I teased as I tore into the sandwich. I hadn’t realized how famished I was until he’d placed the food next to me.

  His eyes darkened. “Don’t start something you can’t finish, Baker.”

  He softened the darkness with a wink, and quickly left the room, leaving me wondering what in the hell his comment meant. I didn’t wonder long, though. Exhaustion quickly took over and my eyes were too heavy to hold open. With the last of my energy, I switched the lamp off and within seconds, the first true sleep I’d gotten in days snuck in and knocked me on my ass. My last thoughts were of Seth and dammit if that didn’t make me smile.

  Chapter 5


  I leaned my head back against the tile of the hot tub and stared up at the stars. It was a beautiful night. The temperature and pulsating massaging of the tub’s jets were perfect. After two sandwiches, my stomach was full and the two empty bottles of beer on the edge of the hot tub had been deliciously cold and hit the spot. Our first night at the club couldn’t have gone more perfectly if I’d handwritten the entire evening myself. The meeting with Javier went well—he was a man desperate to catch the motherfucker trying to destroy him and those he cared about. When Baker and I went out into the club, my pouty sub had every Dom eating out of his hand in the first thirty minutes. The fuckers had literally followed him around like he was a dog in heat. It had taken every inch of willpower in my body to not rip each of their heads off. For Baker’s part, he seemed totally oblivious to the impact he made. The other subs were green with jealousy—none of them were nearly as gorgeous, responsive or magnificently trained as Baker. If we were there to get attention, Baker had ensured the night to be a huge success.

  Yes, the night had been sheer perfection…except I was in the hot tub alone and Baker was in his bed, sleeping like a baby. My cock was harder than it’d ever been in my life. I’d jacked off twice in the hot tub, each time imagining how gorgeous Baker’s ass had looked across my lap. Or the way he melted against me when I’d carried him out of the club and then up to our new penthouse. Or the way he’d licked his lips hungrily when he’d been on his knees in front of me, eyeing my cock like a hungry dog would with a juicy bone. Or the way….

  My cell phone interrupted my wicked thoughts. It was two in the morning, this couldn’t be good. “Seth,” I snapped. Baker was safely tucked in his bedroom. I had nothing to worry about. Fuck, had another sub been taken? I was so into Baker that I’d almost forgotten why we were there. “What’s happened?”

  “Apparently,” Landon drawled out slowly, “you and Baker made quite an impression at the club tonight. Did you think it went well?”

  “Of course, it went well. I told you it would. Why are you calling me at this ungodly hour to
have a discussion?”

  “Because, right now, as we speak on the phone, there’s a person watching you from the apartment directly opposite of yours. One of our men noticed an odd reflection from one of the windows and, imagine his surprise, when he pulled out his nifty night binoculars and saw someone looking in your direction through a telescope.”

  I kept my head leaned back against the hot tub. The last thing we needed to do was let the guy know we were onto him. I reached for my beer and took another swig. “We can’t move on him now. We’ll have nothing but a case of dirty voyeurism…and that’s not even against the law.”

  “Yes, I’m well aware of that, Agent Wilkinson,” he drawled. “I’m also aware of the fact that you’re on the balcony and Baker is nowhere to be seen. How exactly do you think that looks to our man…if he’s really our man?” Landon kept talking. “It’s probably a long shot that he’s involved at all, I doubt our guy could have located you so quickly, rented a room, and set up a telescope…but you never know.”

  “I made sure to mention where we were living several times at the club,” I answered. “That clears up the finding us so quickly, but doesn’t answer the getting a room rented. These are high—end, expensive apartments, not hotels. That definitely doesn’t push me in the direction of believing there’s any connection.”

  “Would this help?” Landon asked. “Your building and the one across from you, are owned by Jericho Flores, Javier’s brother. I can’t find out much on him, but we’re still digging. According to Javier, and verified with all our intel, he’s estranged from his entire family. They are far-right religious and disowned Javier years ago.”

  “I don’t suppose it’s a coincidence this is the apartment building you put us in, huh?”

  “Not at all. You know I don’t trust anyone, including family. Don’t worry, though. Your penthouse has been swept for any type of video or recording devices. We’ll run a sweep two or three times a day to ensure you and Baker have privacy when inside the penthouse.”