Sub Mission Read online

Page 6

  “So, this bit of information improves the possibility of this guy across the way actually being involved with what’s going on with Javier,” I agreed. “Wow. That’s bullshit, right there.”

  “Agreed, but we all know the biggest bullshitters can be from our own family,” Landon said. “Anyway, I just wanted you to know he was there and that it might not look good that you’re in the hot tub without Baker. Just sayin’.”

  “Actually, the fact that Baker is in bed and I’m in the hot tub would be perfectly normal following a scene. He needed to crash after what I put him through.” I sat up, making certain to never look toward the windows across from me, and looked at the closed curtains that hid mine and Baker’s separate bedrooms. That could have been a huge fuck up on our end, straight out of the gate. “Are they still watching?” I asked. I heard Landon talking to someone in the background.

  “Telescope is still there. Are you naughty naked in that hot tub, Seth?”

  “You betcha,” I answered. “Looks like it’s time for me to turn in for the night. We are going back to the club for another three days, to give Baker some time to get more acquainted with how I do things, but you and I will touch base tomorrow.”

  “You’re about to give him a show, aren’t you?” Landon asked. “Tell me you’re going to.”

  I climbed out of the hot tub and stretched, giving the voyeur a good long look at my hard cock, and answered, “Only if Baker’s in the mood for some make-believe.” I looked at my watch. He hadn’t been sleeping for more than an hour, so I hated to wake him up. On the other hand, it might be a golden opportunity to lure our guy in even deeper. “Talk to you tomorrow, Landon.”

  I disconnected the call and let myself into the penthouse. It was totally dark inside, but I could see enough to make my way toward Baker’s bedroom. As soon as I opened the door, Baker sat straight up.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked as he reached for the bedside lamp.

  “No! Leave it off,” I told him as I made my way across the room. His room, with the curtains pulled tight, was even darker and I stubbed my toe twice, cursing each time. When I finally made it to the bed, I could hear him laughing at me. “Stop laughing. That really hurt,” I whined.

  He snorted. “If you think that hurt, you could never be your sub! Toe—stubbing is a cake-walk compared to what you do.”

  I sat on the edge of the bed and felt encouraged by the fact he didn’t automatically scoot to the opposite side. If anything, it felt like he moved closer to me. Of course, I could be imagining that simply because that’s what I wanted him to do.

  “I heard you talking to somebody out on the balcony. What’s going on?”

  “It looks like we have a small problem,” I started. “Some of Landon’s men noticed there’s a man in one of the apartments across from ours that appears to be watching our penthouse through a telescope. Maybe it’s nothing, maybe it’s something. We aren’t sure. Javier’s family owns both the buildings, so that adds more ingredients into the mix. Whether it’s innocent voyeurism or our guy, there’s no way to know for sure until we do more investigating. I think it does, however, mean we’ve really got to be diligent about keeping the curtains closed. If it’s our guy and he realizes we aren’t sleeping together and not being…affectionate, it might send up warning flags.”

  My eyes had acclimated to the darkness, so I could see when he turned his head toward the curtains, studied them, and then turned back to me. “Is he watching now?”

  “According to Landon…yes.”

  “Hmmm.” He was quiet for a few more seconds and then said, “Well, let’s open the curtains and give him something to look at.”

  My body must have jerked in shock, because he quickly added, “You non-straight guys can do it under the blanket, can’t you? It’s not like I’m asking you to fuck me, but we can surely fool somebody who’s a hundred yards away, right?”

  I hated the nasty taste of disappointment that settled over me. Schooling my features, I answered, “Normally blankets are a no-no. We aren’t prudes like you straight dudes, but I can make an exception for you.” I tried to tease him, hoping he couldn’t hear the disappointment in my voice. What had I expected?

  “Uh…are you naked?” he asked.

  I laughed. “Yeah, don’t tell me you non-gay guys do it with clothes on.” I got up and went over to push the button that would cause the curtains to slide open. As an afterthought, I pushed the second button—the one that opened the balcony doors. Within seconds, the curtains had shifted to the end and the glass doors had disappeared into the walls. The night breeze caressed my burning skin as I stared out into the darkness. When I turned around, there would be no hiding the hard-on I sported…not with the full moon blazing in the night sky.

  “Sir?” he said quietly.

  “No, not in here.” I told him. I wasn’t sure why I said the words…why I didn’t want to slip into our Dom/sub roles, but I didn’t. The reality of it was everything about us was a lie.

  Another reality was I didn’t want it to be.

  I knew I was treading on dangerous ground. Danger or not, I slowly walked toward the bed. His eyes, the blue sparkling with the moonlight, stared at my cock. It wasn’t disgust on his face. It wasn’t desire, either. Maybe…intrigue. Hopefully, interest.

  No, it wasn’t dangerous ground. It was more like quicksand and I was sinking fast. Too fast. I climbed into the bed, pulled the blanket over me, and turned my back to him…like a coward. “This isn’t a good idea, Baker. We’ll leave it with sleeping in the same bed. There’s no need to try and put on a performance for our peeping Tom.”

  I felt him scoot closer to me and then felt his hand touch my back. “Don’t get scared, big guy. I don’t bite.”

  His hand massaged my shoulder. He was laughing at me…enjoying my discomfort. I guessed I’d earned that from him. “Maybe that’s the problem,” I answered. “I could play along with this…if only you were a biter.” Tease him. Act like it’s no big deal. Think about something horrible like drowning puppies—anything to get some of the blood out of my cock and back into my brain.

  I hissed in shock when I felt his teeth clamp down on my shoulder. He bit me. Hard. Followed it with a lick.

  “Come on, Agent Wilkinson. He may be watching. Don’t disappoint him.”

  The bite. His tongue. The husky sound of his voice. It was all too much. Too good. The thin string that had been holding me back snapped. One second I’d been on my side, letting him touch and tease me, and in the next second, I’d turned and was on top of him. The blanket…his security blanket…was knocked aside with my sudden movement. I wasn’t gentle when I pushed his legs apart and settled my weight between them.

  Braced over him, I could easily see his eyes were wide with surprise. I was certain this was a position he wasn’t used to being in—legs spread with someone between them. My cock, still rock hard, rested against the flat muscles of his stomach…next to his own cock.

  Holy fuck! Baker was as hard as I was.

  I looked at his face. His tongue darted out and wet his lips. His cock twitched and bumped against mine.

  “I…I can’t do that, Seth,” he stuttered. “Fuck,” he muttered quietly. “I know I’m sending out mixed signals. I’m sorry, that’s fucked up and unfair. It’s just that I’m…confused. My body tells me one thing but my head screams another.”

  He tried to look away, but I grabbed him by the chin and made him look at me. “Keep talking. Please,” I begged.

  “I’m not gay, Seth.”

  Not what I wanted him to say when I’d asked him to keep talking.

  “But you make me…think things. Wonder about things. Imagine things.” He took a deep breath. “I’d be lying if I didn’t say being with you has made me curious.” Another deep breath. His heart pounded so hard I could see it make his chest move. “I also know that’s about one of the rudest fucking things to say to you…to do to you.” He pushed against my chest. “Ignore me, Seth. I’m sorry I
bit you. You were right, this is a bad idea.”

  When he pushed against me, I didn’t budge. It was a fucking weak push, anyway. I damned well knew he was stronger than that. “Curious, huh?”

  “Don’t make fun of me,” he growled. “Get off me, you weigh a ton.”

  He wriggled beneath me, sending shock waves straight to my cock and balls. Would it be possible for me to come just from a swivel of his hips? Maybe.

  “No kissing on the lips,” I said to him in response to his telling me to get off him.

  He froze. Gulped. Blinked. Licked his lips again. “No kissing on the lips,” he finally whispered.

  I would end up getting hurt. Curious men were the worst—they played with you, tossed you back into the water, and then wanted you to swim away and forget they existed. I had a feeling once I sampled Baker, I’d never be able to forget he existed.

  One sample would be worth all the pain.

  I smiled down at him and added, “And I assume you don’t want my cock in your ass, correct?”

  “Uh…yeah, that’s correct,” he stammered. “I’m not ready for that. Hell, I may not be ready for anything.”

  Not to cross any lines with Rainbow, I said, “Just say stop and it ends.”

  “Got it. Stop. I can do that,” he whispered.

  His voice already sounded breathless. I figured he’d stop everything the minute I started touching him, and I couldn’t blame him—he was straight. Was I pushing him? Manipulating him into doing what I wanted? I knew how badly he wanted to succeed in this mission, so was I inadvertently using that as a weapon against him? Was what I was about to do some kind of power abuse over him?

  “Did you hear me say stop?” he asked, interrupting my train of thought.


  He laughed softly…nervously. “Well, I hope you aren’t expecting me to take the lead on this. I have no idea what to do with that monster between your legs. I’m gonna need some guidance.”

  His hand, the one that had been pushing against my chest, slowly lowered until his fingertips grazed the top of my cock and then slid down the length—just a whisper of a touch, but enough to nearly send me over the edge. I pulled away long enough to reach for the nightstand, open the drawer, and dig around. There was no way Landon hadn’t supplied our bedrooms with lube, he wouldn’t do that to me. “Yes!” I hissed in victory when my hand closed around the tube. Flipping the lid open, I squeezed a nice handful into my palm. “Don’t panic. This isn’t to make penetration easier. I had something else in mind.”

  “I trust you,” he answered simply. “I never thought differently. I’ve told you what I don’t want to do, and I know you’ll stay within the…guidelines.”

  He was terrified. It was written all over his face. He was also aroused and more than a little interested. He trusted me. I needed to offer him the same trust and know that he’d tell me if he lost interest.

  I kept my lower body settled between his spread legs, but leaned most of my upper body’s weight on my right elbow. With the lube palmed in my left hand, I reached down and wrapped it around both our cocks, sliding up and down until both our dicks were coated from top to bottom. He’d hissed…then gasped. As I kept rubbing our hard lengths together, his noises turned into a moan. It was the sweetest fucking sound ever.

  I made sure to swipe the tip of his cock with my thumb with each pass, mixing his precum with the lube. It didn’t take many swipes to realize his slit was an extra sensitive spot for him. His Mistress hadn’t mentioned that to me. I’d like to tell myself she didn’t know—that she hadn’t handled him the way I was. As my hand continued to work both of us, I dipped my head to his chest and placed a few kisses and nibbles on his pecs. “That kind of kissing okay?”

  “De—definitely,” he answered. His breathing was faster…deeper.

  I could tell he was trying to hold sounds back, to keep them hidden from me, but I wouldn’t allow that much longer. I needed to hear what his pleasure sounded like. I craved it.

  Before long, his hips started thrusting, so I kept my hand still, allowing him to control the motion and speed. My mouth kept tormenting his chest for a few minutes before I finally moved to tongue a nipple. It hardened instantly, and another moan ripped from his throat.

  “Fuck! That feels so good. So. Fucking. Good.”

  His hips moved faster. The moonlit room was filled with sounds of sex. The squelching sound of the lube. Our heavy breathing. His soft moans and my own grunts and growls. It was merely a hand job for both of us…but it was the best damned sex I’d ever had in my life. I could get lost in watching the look on his face. His eyes were at half mast, looking all lazy and aroused. His lips were parted and if I kept my eyes locked there, I’d see him either bite his bottom lip or his pink tongue would dart out and lick nervously. With the moon’s light, I could see how flushed his body was…how pebbled his nipples were.

  I felt my own balls draw up and knew I was going to embarrass myself and blow my load if I spent any more time looking at his face, watching his expressions. Trying to prolong the best night of my life, I looked away from his puffy lips…looked down to the spot where my hand wrapped around both our cocks. My hips met his thrusts, and we were in sync with our lust—driven movements.

  “Oh, fuck. I think I’m gonna come,” he hissed. His hand reached up and wrapped around my bicep with a tight grasp. “I…I need….”

  His brow crinkled into a frown and he moved his head from side to side on the pillow in frustration. His teeth gnawed at his bottom lip. “I want…more.”

  “Give me your hand,” I growled.

  Without hesitation, he lifted his hand to me. I squirted lube on it and said, “Work your cock, baby. Show me what you like. I’m going to put my finger inside of you…show you something special. Is that okay? Or too much?”

  “No, no…definitely okay,” he answered quickly. “More than okay. Why do I want that so fucking bad?”

  “Don’t worry about the ‘whys’,” I ordered. “Just let me pleasure you. Come on, show me how you play with yourself when nobody’s there to give you what you need. Make yourself come for me, babe.”

  I leaned back to where I was sitting my ass on my heels between his spread legs.

  He made a grab toward my cock but missed as I moved back. “Hey! I wanted to touch that. I thought I was gonna….”

  “Don’t worry about me.” The pout on his face was incredibly cute. “I’m so close that just watching you will be enough for me.” He still pouted but his hand obediently started sliding up and down his own length…without much passion, but I felt confident I’d get him there pretty quickly. “Spread your legs wider, Baker.” I took his ankles and bent his legs to where his feet rested on the mattress next to his hips. It gave me a perfect view of his pucker, taint, and balls. If he handled his cock properly, I could handle the rest. I pushed his knees and said, “A little wider. I’ve seen your training videos, I know how flexible you are.”

  “Yeah, well, I had my clothes on then,” he retorted. “This is different. Give me a beginner’s break, okay?” His voice was a whine, but his eyes sparkled with fun and his legs widened.

  Nervous Baker was funny. I liked him just fine. I squirted more lube onto my hands and said, “Are you sure you’re okay with this?”

  He frowned. “Making me beg is rude, Seth.”

  I pushed one digit against his hole and his mouth snapped shut.

  “Oh, fuck. Okay. I’m good.”

  I couldn’t stop the grin that spread across my face when I looked down at him. He was concentrating so damned hard. “You know I haven’t done anything yet, right?”

  “So help me, Jeezus, I’m going to kill you one day,” he muttered, and then opened his mouth to say something else.

  My finger slid inside…shutting him up.

  “Fuck, you’re tight,” I said. My eyes were locked on the spot where my finger disappeared inside of him. His inside walls were hot and clamped greedily on what invaded him. I push
ed deeper and watched as he arched his back off the mattress. The stroking of his cock had grown faster…more desperate.

  “Yeah, that. There.”

  He’d suddenly turned into a bossy little sub…and I liked it. Hell, I liked everything about Baker Daley. I slid my finger the rest of the way in, pushed, pulled it almost completely out, and then went deep again. Again and again, I worked my digit inside him, loosening the tightness and allowing him to relax. Using my knees, I lifted his hips a bit and rested them on me, tilting him upward enough to give me an even better view. The cords in his neck strained and sounds of pleasure spilled from his lips. He was gorgeous.

  When I thought he’d loosened up enough, I stretched him more by adding another finger.

  “Hmmmm,” he responded and then used his free hand to begin fondling his balls.

  “Do you like your taint played with?” I asked right before I rubbed a finger over the spot and then pushed against it. His back arched gracefully again.

  “Uh…yeah. Who doesn’t?”

  The lube had mixed with his precum and dribbled over his balls, taint, and slowly slid to the hole I had plugged with my fingers. The way his hand vigorously worked his dick caused a wicked sound to tickle my cock. I kept a finger pressed against his taint but crooked the ones inside of him, searching for his sweet spot. I found the nub of nerves and pushed against it.

  It was all it took to send him over the edge.

  “Arrgghhh!” he roared as he bucked his hips one last time and spurted cum all over his chest and stomach. His balls emptied load after load.

  When I could finally pull my eyes away from the pattern of white coating him, I looked at his face and the look of pure pleasure caused me to shoot my own load, mixing it with his. I’d never in my life come without anyone touching me or without some physical stimulation…before Baker. Post Baker—my life would never be the same again. I knew I traveled down a dead end path, but I couldn’t stop. I’d picked up too much speed. There was no turning back at this point.