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Sub Mission Page 4
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Page 4
“You mentioned we need to be prepared by this weekend. Does that mean we’ll begin putting everything in place by then?” Baker asked.
I could have imagined it, but it sounded like he was in a rush to get it started, just so he could get to the end.
“Yes, Baker.” Landon paused and asked, “Is it okay for me to call you Baker?”
“Of course.”
I liked that he didn’t add the Sir.
“The two of you will move into your new love nest in Miami on Saturday. I have movers getting the penthouse ready for the two of you now. You’ll each have a wardrobe chosen by Miami designers, a fully stocked kitchen, and luxurious vehicles to drive. They’ve chosen the wealthier subs in the past, so you’re both getting lucky in that department.” He looked back at me. “The last thing they are working on is the list of your, uh, toys that you’ll need for the playroom in the new suite. Are you sure you need all those things, Seth?”
“They wouldn’t be on the list if I didn’t need them, Landon,” I answered as politely as I could. Since Baker hadn’t been given the opportunity to shower, he still smelled like sex…and it was driving me wild. I wanted to bend him over the nearest surface and fuck him until he couldn’t think of another person, man or woman.
“Do I even want to know why you’d need a,” he looked up and down the list and then continued, “A metal spread anal lock and key?”
“Shit,” Baker muttered under his breath and the tips of his ears turned a pretty pink.
And, just like that, I was having fun again. “Because it’s the most comfortable and efficient way for me to open my sub’s anus and then lock it into that position.” I stood up and said, “Let me go grab the one I usually use and demonstrate it for…both of you.” I smiled down at Baker. He flipped me the bird.
Within seconds, I was back, holding the metal instrument in my right hand. I displayed it to both of them and explained, “See, once this portion is fully inserted into the anal cavity, I simply push this back portion of the plug and it causes the inserted portion to expand. Once I have it as wide as I enjoy, I can secure it with this lock and then hold the key hostage.” I looked at Baker and said, “It’s an excellent training device for those who haven’t had much…ass-play and it’s also a decorative way to display my sub to other Doms…or Dommes, of course.” I laughed, Baker’s face was turning a very sickly shade of green. “I can keep them spread and exposed for as long as my evil heart desires.”
Baker refused to meet my eyes, no matter how long I stared in his direction. Landon leaned in and said, “Are you certain you have a heart, Seth?”
Well, that wasn’t very nice.
The rest of the week had flown by and I hadn’t seen Baker again after he’d left my apartment…in a huff. Again, I didn’t blame him. The moment he’d entered my world, I’d done nothing but try to push his buttons. I’d gone for shock value when Landon had opened the door with his metal spread anal lock and key question, and I was fairly certain I’d succeeded. Baker hadn’t looked at me again the rest of the evening.
We’d spent another hour reviewing the portfolio, getting our new identities, and having a conference call with Javier Flores—digging any and all information we could from him. Baker must have ordered pizza and had it delivered to my apartment because it magically appeared, and I knew Landon hadn’t been responsible. He knew I tried to stay on a healthy, high protein diet and would have never tempted me with steaming hot, delicious smelling, cheese—oozing, thick crust pizza.
I ate over half the pizza, fighting Baker for the last piece, and had to pull an extra hour in the gym the next morning. Actually, I probably didn’t have to—I’d burned hundreds of calories jacking off to images of Baker inside my head once they’d left, but I did it as another way to punish myself.
As best I could gather, Baker had returned home to take care of last minute issues involved with disappearing from your regular life for what might be up to several months. I hadn’t seen or heard from him again until it was time for us to board the plane and head out to Miami. It was an early morning flight and he looked like he’d rolled straight out of bed, ran his fingers through his hair, threw on comfortable traveling clothes, and ran into the airport without a moment to spare. Trying to make amends, I’d given him a pleasant greeting…which he’d answered with a grunt. His eyes were just as blue as I’d remembered, even when I’d tried to convince myself I had to have been mistaken, but there were dark circles beneath them, like he hadn’t gotten enough rest.
I’d asked if he felt okay, and I’d gotten another grunt. He pretended to sleep through the entire flight, never once peeking his eyes open, but I’d known he was awake. By the time we landed, I’d been afraid my teeth were ground down to nothing. More than anything, I wanted to bend him over my knee and spank his ass until he wouldn’t be able to sit for a week. I settled on ignoring him in the same earnest way he ignored me. We were acting like children.
As soon as we’d settled into the Bentley Landon had arranged to pick us up, Baker had shuffled over into a corner and played on his phone. I was seconds from calling him out when my cell rang. It was Landon, checking up on us, no doubt.
“Seth,” I answered gruffly. At least Baker’s eyes had left his phone and now stared at me as he waited to see what Landon had to say. I was certain we were both afraid another sub had been taken. “What’s happened?” The plan had been for us to land, head straight to the penthouse, and spend the evening getting acclimated with Miami. I suspected the plan had already changed.
“Hey, everything going okay? Any problems with the flight or the transportation arrangements we made for you?”
“Nope, we’re all good,” I answered. “The kid can’t keep his hands off me but, other than that, everything’s going smoothly.”
Baker snorted but I could see he fought not to grin. Good. Hopefully, he didn’t enjoy the quiet game any more than I did. On top of that, we were supposed to be lovers as well as Dom and sub. Anybody who might have watched our departure or arrival would have thought we were mortal enemies, thrown together to see which one of us would survive.
Landon laughed. “Yeah, I bet that’s exactly how it’s going. Listen, there’s been a change in plans. Javier wants you guys to drop by the club…like…now. Is that possible? I know he’s jacking our plans around, but the guy’s terrified something’s going to happen before we can get in there and stop it. He said he’d like to meet with both of you, which is a common practice if any new Dom or sub plays at his club. Discuss the plan and then maybe, if your boy’s ready, put on a small performance. Apparently, it’s a busy night for him and he’s hoping you’ll give this son of a bitch something to focus on…other than another helpless young man.” Landon coughed, and I knew damned well it was his nervous cough. He’d promised something he probably had no business promising. “I’ve assured him when this jackass, murdering, son of a bitch sees you and Baker together, he’ll never look at another sub. I, uh, didn’t overstep, did I? I mean, I don’t know much about BDSM or any of the shit that goes on in the clubs, but I know you two looked damned hot together. Can you and Baker make it happen tonight? Work some magic?”
I noticed two things at once—Baker’s knee started bouncing nervously and his eyes turned from me and he stared out the window. The kid wasn’t ready. I’d pushed him too hard…lost his trust. “Not gonna make any promises, Landon,” I answered. “Agent Daley and I will play it by ear. If we’re ready, we’ll give them a performance. If not, we’ll give them a different kind of show.” I smiled softly. “Baker walking around the club, acting submissive will be enough to draw the attention away from every other fucker in there and straight to him. Trust me on this.”
Baker’s head whipped around, and he stared at me with a strange expression on his face. The hardness that had been in his eyes all morning dimmed.
“Sound okay to you…Baker?” I asked, making sure when I said his name, it reminded him of what we’d sh
ared. That was one of my hard lines when we’d been making the arrangements—Baker kept his first name. I wasn’t a fool. I’d noticed his responses when I’d called him by his given name. I was Seth Deveraux—the name I always used as a Dom.
“Yes, Sir.”
His face pinkened. My cock hardened.
“Let me tell the driver we’ve changed our plans,” I said into the phone.
“I’ve already changed the GPS coordinates. He knows where to take you and will wait there until you leave.” I heard him take a deep breath. “Stay safe, Seth.”
“Keep Baker safe,” he ordered gruffly.
Thank goodness Baker hadn’t heard that exchange, he would have most certainly gotten angry when Landon implied he needed me to keep him safe. I’d taken the time to watch his training videos. He knew his way around defending himself and beating the shit out of somebody. Yeah, I’d jacked off to those training videos so many times I was afraid I’d have carpal tunnel by the time we boarded our plane this morning.
As soon as I hung up, Baker said, “So we’re headed straight to the club?”
“Yeah, that’s what it sounds like. Don’t worry, I won’t have you doing anything you aren’t ready for. We aren’t going to rush things just to make Javier happy.”
He shrugged. “I’m ready for whatever you want to do. I’m no fool, it’ll look even more appealing to the crowd if they think you’re pushing my limits.”
He looked me dead in the eye, the hardness back again, and said, “I’m angry with you for how you treated me after our session the other night. You dismissed me like I wasn’t important to you. If you’re nearly as experienced as they say, you knew damn well how vulnerable I was at that moment. It wasn’t…professional.”
I appreciated him calling me on it and doing it soon enough that no more bad feelings simmered between us. He was right, I’d been completely wrong. “I apologize, Baker. You’re right. It won’t happen again.”
“See that it doesn’t,” he snapped, acting every bit the pouting sub.
“Thank you for addressing the issue. I should have been more respectful of your needs.”
He snickered. “Oh, I only addressed the issue now because I think it’s best you know what you’re up against.”
I frowned. Up against? We were on the same team. “Explain yourself.”
His eyes sparkled with mischief…maybe mayhem, I wasn’t sure which. He shrugged again. “If your sub misbehaves tonight, you’ll know why.”
I started to argue then slammed my mouth shut. Shit, the other Doms would salivate if Baker was naughty and I ended up having to discipline him in front of everyone. Hopefully, whoever this son of a bitch was that we were after would stand up and take notice, as well. I leaned back against the seat and answered, “Well, you know what happens to subs who misbehave and embarrass their Dom, don’t you?”
“I’m planning on it.”
I literally had to reach down and adjust my cock before it burst straight through the seams of my jeans. His bottom lip actually pouted. It was the sexiest damned thing I’d ever seen in my life.
Chapter 4
What in the hell was I thinking? I’d practically just challenged him to discipline me in front of everyone. On top of that dumb shit, I had this bubble of excitement growing inside of me that threatened to explode at any given moment. I’d spent the past four days convincing myself that I’d imagined my heady response to Seth. No, I hadn’t gotten any sleep and I knew it showed on my face and in my attitude, but every damned time I closed my eyes, I saw him. His stormy gray eyes would look at me with complete and utter distaste, like they had the moment he’d realized I wasn’t gay, but then they’d turn warm with an entirely different emotion. When he’d praised me during our session, I’d preened like a fucking peacock.
Mistress Samantha praised me. I enjoyed it. Hell, I worked hard for that praise. I knew what she wanted, and I gave it to her. In return, she would say all the right words and whip my ass until I couldn’t think of anything except the pain she was gifting me with. Being with her had always felt so right.
Now, after Seth, it felt…wrong. The club was the first place I’d gone once I returned home. I’d told her what happened—how he’d made me soar straight into subspace. Never once had I been nervous that she would be angry or jealous, and she hadn’t been. As always, she was supportive and allowed me to talk through my concerns. Afterwards, we’d had a scene and I had, for the first time since I was in my first year of training, faked my way through it. It wasn’t the same. She didn’t whip me hard enough or fast enough. Then she whipped me too hard or too fast. She didn’t smell right. Her hair was too long. Her words of praise didn’t make me feel warm all over. She hadn’t called me by my name in that damned sexy voice that haunted my every fucking thought.
It infuriated me, but the way that man said my name made me…melt.
I’d never once in my life been attracted to another man—not one damn time. I hadn’t even had that niggle in the back of my mind, wondering what it would feel like…what the differences would be. My friends had, and they were as straight as me. Yet, I’d never gone in that direction.
Until now.
There was absolutely no denying it, I was attracted to Seth. No, I didn’t want to be, but there was no point in lying to myself. I’d done it for the past four days, almost convinced myself I’d imagined the entire my-cock-gets-hard-every-time-I-think-about-him sensation. Last night, I’d watched some porn and tried to jack off to it. Nope. Nothing. Angry at myself and still fucking confused, I’d switched to gay porn. Nope. Nothing.
Well, not exactly nothing. I’d wondered how in the fuck that went there, without a doctor giving you one of those things they gave pregnant women when she was about to have a baby—the epidural thing. Yeah, it would require one of those. Yet, they’d really looked like they were enjoying it. On the other hand, they were actors. For all I knew, they were thinking about the fact they had to mow the lawn when they got home.
When regular porn and then gay porn didn’t offer me any assistance, I’d gone to the shit pinball bouncing around in my head…and settled on jacking off to images of Seth. I’d come the hardest I’d ever come when my mind remembered his large hands holding that prostate stimulator…when his sexy voice had threatened to do things to me with it.
Then I’d gotten mad. I’d went to sleep mad and woke up mad. I’d arrived at the airport mad and gotten even madder when I saw Seth again. He looked even sexier than I remembered. When my eyes had wandered straight down to his crotch area as soon as he’d walked in my direction, my mad had blown off the mad charts.
Then, to top it off, I’d pouted. Did I know who pouted? Girls, that’s who. But, nope, it was me. I was the poutiest pouter in the pout house. I leaned back against the rich leather of the Bentley and smiled. I’d pulled a big save with my brilliant plan to act like my pout was part of the plan. Nice save, Agent Baker Dumbass.
The thing was, I wasn’t gay. No matter how I looked at it, I wasn’t gay. I didn’t have a problem with people being gay. It would have been a hell of a lot easier if I were. Maybe then my feelings would have made sense and I’d know how to deal with them. Since I was straight, I didn’t have a clue what box to shove my desires and fantasies in to.
More importantly, why did I just say ‘was’ straight?
I needed a Xanax.
No, I needed this assignment to be over. I needed to be able to put Seth behind me and leave him there. I banged my head against the headrest. Behind me. Seth. Why did that make a dirty picture pop into my head?
“You okay?” I heard him ask quietly.
“Never better,” I snapped.
I felt him staring at me and I gripped the door handle and held myself in place. I gripped it so tight my fist had to be white from blood loss. If I didn’t hang on, though, I’d lean into him. His stupid sexy scent tickled my nose and I wanted to follow
it like the kids had followed the damned breadcrumbs to the witch’s house. I pushed the button to roll the window down. Surely to fuck, that would help.
“Aren’t you pretending to be the naughty sub a little early, Baker? We aren’t even at the club yet.”
“Practicing,” I hissed.
He laughed.
And so, my night began….
A bright light tried to filter through my eyelids, but I closed them even tighter, blocking out the intruder because I knew, instinctively, that I was hiding. Whatever was on the other side of my eyelids was something I wanted to keep out. If I stayed where I was, I would remain safe—nothing in my life would have changed. Everything would be normal.
I would be normal.
“Shhhh, take your time, Baker. Rest as long as you need to,” a sexy voice whispered in my ear.
I cuddled in closer to the sound and then snuggled against the most amazing warmth. Whatever I was curled against was hot, hard, and smelled delicious. I never wanted to leave the protective circle of arms embracing me. What was that smell? It was familiar, yet….
My eyes popped open at the same time my arms and legs started flailing wildly. “Shit! Let go of me!” I was in Seth’s lap with his arms wrapped around me in a tight enough grip to keep me right where he wanted me. “Rainbow!”
His arms released me instantly and I fell onto the floor, landing on my sore ass with a hard enough thud to make me hiss in pain. I crab-crawled away from him until my back hit something solid, ending my retreat. Seth sat calmly on the couch, watching my clumsy escape. His jaw twitched but it was the only movement of his entire body.