Sub Mission Read online

Page 3

  He, unfortunately, wasn’t finished. My balls quickly followed suit and then he deftly tightened the diameter of the opening, locking my cock and balls on one side of the cross and the rest of me on the other. It was, I realized, even more effective than strapping my waist to the cross. If I tried to dodge any of his blows, I wouldn’t be able to move more than a few centimeters without hurting the family jewels.

  When he’d finished, he moved to stand behind me…directly behind me. His hips pushed against my ass hard enough that I could easily feel the outline of his cock, even through the leather pants that fit him like a second skin. For some reason, the feel of him against my ass made me want to wriggle against him.

  I needed to move…to do something. The positioning of my junk kept me from doing anything other than accepting what he wanted to do to me.

  His hand grasped the back of my hair and he jerked my head back. It was rougher than I was used to…yet, rough enough. I felt his breath against my ear. “Look at yourself, Baker,” he ordered in that growl that made my mouth water…for some unknown reason.

  My eyes looked forward and, for the first time, noticed the giant mirror in front of me. There I stood, trussed to the cross like a slave ready for punishment, with my cock and balls protruding obscenely through the opening. I’d never watched myself being punished before. I’d most certainly not ever found myself secured in such a scandalous position.

  “You’re beautiful,” he whispered as his eyes met mine in the mirror. “I bet you make Mistress Samantha very proud, don’t you?”

  A touch of anger entered his voice when he made the last statement, causing a delightful tingle to start at the tip of my spine and work its way upward. Was he jealous? He sounded jealous. Why did the thought of him being jealous of my Mistress make my blood warm?

  My thoughts were yanked back to reality when he landed a hard smack to my ass.

  “I asked you a question, boy.”

  Coldness replaced the warmth when he went back to calling me boy. My mind fumbled through what he’d said last. “I try, Sir,” I finally managed to answer.

  He leaned to my ear again. “You’re making a mess on my floor, Baker.” I melted against him when he said my name. “When I’m finished with you, I may make you lick it clean,” he threatened. His hand caressed the burning spot on my ass that he’d just smacked.

  I looked down and saw several drops of my precum glistening on the floor. I’d never tasted my own cum or that of another man. Oddly enough, if Seth called me Baker and asked me to do it, I knew I would.

  “Would you like that?”

  I stumbled over the answer, not wanting to admit what I’d been thinking but my training wouldn’t allow me to lie. “I…I don’t know, Sir.”

  His hand caressed my ass again. “I think you would…Baker.” He licked my shoulder. “I think you’d do about anything I asked you to. I thought I would be disappointed, but you’ve been…enjoyable.”

  His praise washed over me, and my eyes closed. If I were a cat, my ears would be laid back and I’d be purring.

  “I can’t wait to use the prostate stimulator on you. You’ll purr even louder than you are right now. Do you know why I didn’t put my toy inside your virgin ass, Baker?” Another lick. “Because I wanted everything to be equal with your Mistress. Let’s see who can make you yell louder…to soar higher. Shall we?”

  “Fuck yes, Sir,” I answered…and another victory point for me.

  He stepped away and this time, I didn’t stop the whimper that tumbled from my lips.

  “Your Mistress says you prefer the crop.” He magically presented a crop in front of my face. “Kiss it, Baker.”

  I immediately placed a kiss on the cool leather.

  With a smile, he pulled the crop away, dropped it down to tap against my cock a couple of times, and then moved to stand behind me again. “Focus, Baker,” he ordered. “Stay with me as long as you can.”

  “Yes, Sir.” The crop landed on my backside as soon as the words left my mouth. The sharp sting felt wonderful. Another one followed quickly behind that one. I hissed and closed my eyes.

  “Tell me what you’re thinking, Baker,” Seth growled. “Be honest, of course.”

  I paused for a second and then answered, “I think you hit like a girl. Sir,” I added respectfully.

  If I’d thought to insult him, I’d been mistaken. Watching his face through the mirror, I saw his grin spread from ear to ear.

  “I hoped you’d say that, Baker.”

  As the words left his mouth, some music suddenly started playing over the sound system in his playroom. It was nothing I’d heard before, at least not that I could recall. It sounded dirty and had a rhythm to match the lashes Seth gave me. My senses…all of them, felt overwhelmed. The room smelled like leather, sex, and a unique scent I’d already associated with Seth. I tried to focus on the dirty sound of the music, and when the slap of leather against my flesh was too fast or too slow, it messed with my head. My body ached and burned from the pain, forcing all my focus on the slow scorch of my ass and thighs.

  I hissed, gritted my teeth, and cried my way through the pain…waiting for the second it would turn to pure bliss. I’d never reached subspace but got close every damned time. I didn’t have a clue what it felt like but knew how badly I craved that second when everything else in the world evaporated, leaving only me and the feel of the crop caressing my ass. That feeling…it was good enough for me. It gave me the escape my body and mind required.

  While I would rather never admit it, Seth got me there much faster than any Mistress before him ever did. It stood to reason, I supposed. He was much stronger. My head dropped back as my muscles grew weak from stress. This was it. The blissful feeling that helped keep me grounded when my world became too much. When things didn’t line up as perfectly as I believed they should, this was my escape from my own mind.

  I frowned. It wasn’t that the bliss wasn’t as blissful…it was just that Seth didn’t seem to notice my contentment. Mistress always knew. Seth kept working the crop, praising me with some swings and calling me dirty words with others. I moved from being a work of art to a cum dumpster. One swing was praise and the next was deliciously wicked. Yet, he didn’t pause to admire his handy work or slow down to admire my euphoria.

  No, he kept going.

  My body kept soaring, higher and higher. The music, loud and thumping, suddenly sounded far away. My surroundings blurred…all except for Seth. I could see him clearly. I floated, and he was in the air with me, swinging his crop. I no longer felt the kiss of pain, but his arm kept moving. Sweat dripped from his face and I felt my tongue swipe across my lips. I wanted to taste his sweat. His eyes met mine, which was impossible because he was behind me. Yet, there they were, gazing at me with warmth that made something inside me tighten. Tighter. Tighter. I sucked in a breath.

  He whispered my name.


  An explosion of emotions tore through my body. I floated even higher. Felt my body orgasm. Heard myself scream. After that, there was nothing. It wasn’t a crash or anything negative. Everything just went…black.

  Chapter 3


  Mother fuck. I was royally screwed. Baker was…perfect.

  Perfect, and I wasn’t talking about just for the assignment. His body was gorgeous, all lean muscles and graceful beauty. He could behave like a perfect submissive but still had an edge to him that told me he would keep a Dom on his toes. Correction…Domme. I hadn’t had much of an opportunity to see his sense of humor, mostly since I’d been an ass to him, but I’d witnessed enough sass to know it existed.

  I fucking craved hearing him laugh…which was utterly ridiculous.

  Most of all, though, he was absolutely beautiful when he flew. His Mistress told me as far as she knew, Baker had never achieved subspace. That was fine, most people didn’t, so I wasn’t surprised when she told me. She stressed that Baker always found what he was searching for, a release from the demons
inside of him.

  I smiled as I gazed down at his sleeping form. I’d given him something his Mistress hadn’t been able to help him achieve. I didn’t fool myself into thinking I was that much better at delivering pain, reading a sub’s needs or giving them what they craved, but I’d dare anybody to challenge the connection Baker and I had shared. He’d soared straight into subspace because of that connection. I’d simply whispered his name and he’d been gone.

  His face, I’d never forget the look of ecstasy.

  Many of my subs had gotten there beneath my hand and whip, but none had done it so beautifully. Even now, he took my breath away. His lips were puffy where he’d sucked and bitten on them during the scene, and those damned gorgeous eyelashes rested peacefully against his cheeks. They were long enough to be angel wings.

  He’s straight.

  I tried to quiet the voice inside my head, to let myself have a few minutes of pure satisfaction, but it was a struggle. I wanted him in a way I couldn’t remember ever wanting another. While I was thankful to have brought him a taste of euphoria, I wanted something for myself.

  I wanted Baker.

  I wanted to be inside him…to hear him scream my name when another orgasm ripped through him.

  “I guess I understand what you’ve been trying to explain to me,” Landon said.

  At some point, he’d moved to stand beside me and I growled out loud at him. I trusted Landon with my life, but still didn’t want him near Baker, not when he was as vulnerable as he was following his trip into subspace. When Baker had collapsed, Landon had raced across the room and tried to help me, but I stopped him dead in his tracks with one glare. I should have forced him to leave the room right then, but my focus had been solely on Baker.

  “Out,” I hissed and put my body between him and Baker’s sleeping form. “Now.”

  He stepped back, a startled expression on his face. “Uh…yeah, I’ll wait for you two in the living room.” Another step back. “Take your time.” Another step. “He was beautiful, yes?”

  “Yes,” I answered quietly, damning myself to an assignment which would be pure hell for me and my libido.

  I waited until I heard the door close and then returned my attention to Baker. He was slowly starting to join the land of the living again. Those long lashes fluttered weakly and then I was gifted another look into the brightest blue eyes in the world. I remained quiet and watched him slowly realize where he was…what had happened. When I knew he was ready, I grabbed the bottle of water resting on the table next to me, sat down next to him, gently lifted him up, and put it against his lips. He sipped slowly while I continued to hold him. After a few minutes, I felt the muscles in his body start to stiffen as he became more and more alert.

  Not wanting him to be uncomfortable, I eased him back down onto the pillows and shifted away, giving him the distance I was certain he wanted. I noticed how my hands trembled as I sat the water bottle back onto the table. It felt too much like a weakness and I tried to push it away.

  “Uh…wow.” Baker finally whispered. “So, that’s subspace, huh?”

  I smiled at the look of wonder on his face. His voice was still slurred a bit, but his eyes were alert and wild with excitement. “That’s subspace. Did you enjoy it?”

  He cleared his throat. “Very much.” He looked up at me and added, “Sir.”

  I stepped away, his scent was driving me insane. My cock, hard and aching to be touched, threatened to tear through the strength of the leather trying to hold it back. I turned away and, following his lead, cleared my throat. “I’m glad you enjoyed it, Agent Daley.” I looked over my shoulder at him and he had an odd expression on his face. “I went easy on you, only using the crop and not…touching you. Will you be able to handle more, Agent? The members of the club, and the men we’re trying to catch, will require more.”

  I fought an internal battle that would allow my voice to sound steady when I spoke again. Finally, I asked, “Are you in or out, Agent Daley?”

  His voice sounded crisp and cold when he answered, “I was always in, Agent Wilkinson. You were the one struggling with whether you could handle me or not.”

  “Well, I handled you just fine.” My own response pissed me off, but I couldn’t seem to stop antagonizing him. “I’ll let Landon know.” Why was I allowing him to knock me off my own game? I knew better than to walk away, he deserved better after the gift he’d just given me. It didn’t matter, though. I felt…exposed. Vulnerable. I’d never felt those emotions before and they left a bad taste in my heart.

  Quickly, before I revealed too much to him, I crossed the floor. I was intent on escape. I’d never run from anything in my entire life, but I was running from Baker. “Don’t leave that bed for another fifteen minutes, boy. Rest and then meet me and Landon in the living room. If you need more time, there’s a buzzer on the nightstand next to you. Push it and I’ll be in here within seconds.” It wasn’t much but it was the best I could do.

  “Sure, Sir,” he responded, the irritation and disappointment evident in his tone. “You might want to study up on aftercare, though. Yours sucks!”

  I left the room, knowing he was right. I’d never dismissed a sub so…coldly. I knew where my response came from and it scared the breath from my lungs. Baker Daley was everything I’d ever dreamed of…but nothing I could ever have.

  Once outside the playroom, I strode to my bedroom suite, rushed to take a quick shower, and pulled on some sweat pants and a T-shirt. I tried to wipe away all memories of what just took place, but even if I could remove them from my body, there was no erasing them from my head. Snapshots of Baker submitting so beautifully to me kept blasting through my mind, tempting me. Angrily, I shoved them aside and strode into the living room a full five minutes before Baker should be crawling out of my bed.

  One of Landon’s eyebrows arched upward as he stared at me. He slowly looked me up and down and then settled on locking with my eyes. “How the mighty are fallen,” he whispered, but there wasn’t any cockiness or laughter in his voice. “Are you going to be able to pull this off, Seth? I never once thought that maybe this would be difficult for you.”

  “Of course, I can do this. I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I growled, shutting down his father/son talk before he could get it off the ground. Now wasn’t the time. No, never would be more like the best time for that discussion. “Did you bring the portfolio for the assignment?” I asked, swiftly changing the subject. “How quickly can we get started?”

  Landon huffed in irritation but pulled two portfolio folders from his briefcase. He tossed one in my direction and held the other in his hand. “Will Agent Daley be joining us?”

  I glanced down at my watch and calculated the time it would take him to get dressed. He was pissed, so he’d be fast. “Any second now,” I answered.

  At that moment the door to the playroom opened and then slammed shut hard enough that the neighbors below would probably wonder if I’d just keeled over dead and would be coming through the floor. As much as it pissed me off, I still had to bite back a smile. I liked sassy, just another one of my boxes Baker could check off. Perfect.

  Landon took over the meeting, giving both of us time to sulk, I supposed.

  “Have a seat, Agent Daley. Wonderful performance. Agent Wilkinson feels confident the two of you together will attract enough attention that our mark won’t be able to pass you up.” He handed a portfolio to Baker and motioned for him to take a seat next to me on the sofa.

  He took the far end, opposite me.

  “Review the file and know everything in there, upside down and inside out, before this weekend. We’ve already rented you a penthouse suite located four blocks from the club that seems to generate all the unwanted attention from this…admirer. Javier Flores owns the club and is the man who hired us. He’s beefed up his security at the club, but all the subs have been taken from different places—none from the club. Not only is this nut job ruining Javier’s business, he’s murdered two close
friends. The local PD is doing their thing, but, needless to say, they aren’t willing to get as…involved as we are. I would like for us to avoid having to deal with them at all, but you know the rules, we don’t piss in their backyard.” Landon got up from his seat and started pacing around the room. “Since Agent Daley will be the likely target, if our perp keeps the same MO, I don’t feel at all comfortable allowing him to be alone at any time.”

  His eyes narrowed as he looked at both of us, and I knew what was coming. Lord help me, I knew what he was going to insist upon. Hell, I even understood it and would have demanded the same thing. I also knew it was going to be virtually impossible for me to not cross a line with Baker, living under the same roof and participating in scenes.

  A line had already been crossed—he made me feel something.

  “You’ll be living together in the penthouse as a couple.” He held up his hand and said, “Before either of you start complaining, I assure you there’s two equally large bedrooms and another room that can serve as a playroom,” he paused, smiled, and added, “for practice, of course.”

  I heard Baker snort in disgust. That or he’d dozed off. I glanced over, his eyes were alert and the frown on his face looked like it would be cemented there for the duration of our assignment.

  “You’ll have support members serving as protection, but you won’t even know they’re there. You two will need to do your own thing and they’ll do theirs.” Landon turned to me. “Javier tells me that your reputation precedes you, Seth. That’s good. He felt like with the majority of members having already heard of you, it’ll be easier to integrate the two of you into the club without raising any warning flags.” Turning to Baker, he said, “I’m going to be honest with you, Agent Daley. He’s worried about you and your role. He doesn’t think you can pull off subbing for a Dom instead of a Mistress.” He smiled. “When I leave here, I’ll call to reassure him of your capabilities.”