Sub Mission Page 9
Seth, being absolutely fucking perfect when it came to being a Dom, had recognized it immediately. The problem in front of me, though, was that while Seth might be sheer perfection as a dominant in the playroom, it looked like there was significantly good chance he was blind when it came to reading people’s emotions and actions out in the ‘real’ world. I was falling for him in a really bad way and he wasn’t seeing it. Hell, maybe he recognized it and just chose to ignore my fall into quicksand.
No, it wasn’t that. I wouldn’t be falling in love with a person capable of that type of coldness. Oh, fuck. Did my mind just say what I thought it said? Nooooooooo! I fucking knew better.
“Are you still with me, Baker?”
His voice interrupted my internal panic attack. Now wasn’t the time. A playroom was made for play—not ooey-gooey feelings. This. This shit rolling around in my head was exactly what Mistress Samantha had warned me against. It was as if she’d known I would fall for Seth, and she’d tried to prepare me for the explosion.
I shoved the thoughts away, and locked them into the panic room inside my head. They would have to be dealt with later, but I intended to put the emotions off for as long as my heart and soul would allow it.
“I’m here, Sir,” I answered. Bravery. Today was going to take a lot of bravery on my part, and I knew how difficult that would be. I also knew Seth would make it worth my efforts. “Uh, okay, you mentioned the prostate stimulator, a dildo shaped with balls that started small and got larger, a penis wand, and an anus stretcher.” The words sounded dirty on my lips and tongue, but when I looked at Seth, he looked incredibly…bored. No, he was going to demand so much more than what I’d just given him.
“Yes, I mentioned all of those things,” he answered. “Although I feel confident my descriptions were much more vivid than what you just gave me, Baker. Just for the record, I expect improvements as we move along through today’s scene.”
“Yes, Sir. I never doubted you would.” There, that was something I would have never said before, but it flew straight out of my mouth. I chanced a glance up at Seth and he was grinning. It made me smile. “Okay, you said I could veto one of those things, right?”
“That’s correct. One and only one. After that, only your safe word will have the ability to keep those items from being deep inside your body, invading tight, dark places that have never been invaded before.”
And I’d be fucked if my cock didn’t twitch when he alluded to an ‘invasion’.
“Which of my beautiful toys are you going to push out to another date?” He turned away, went over to the corner, and when he started back towards me, he was pushing a small cart. The top of the cart was covered with a white piece of fabric, but it did very little to hide the items beneath it.
I was both terrified and excited by all the items on the cart. One, however, frightened me much more than the others. “If it’s acceptable to you, Sir, I think that unless the penis wand is just another name for a Harry Potter wand that can magically make my cock larger, I’m going to pass on that…’beautiful toy’.”
He stood to the side of the cart, his eyes twinkling with mischief. “Are you sure, Baker? I feel the need to remind you how sensitive your slit is. Don’t think I didn’t notice how loudly you moaned or whimpered when I pushed the tip of my finger against it. You liked me doing that didn’t you, Baker? You enjoy the feel of something trying to force its way inside of your tight hole. Admit it, babe.”
Oddly enough, he was right. I would have never imagined the thought of someone putting something inside of me there, might be…appealing. Hell, when I was thirteen years old and had a kidney infection, it had taken four techs to hold me down when they inserted a catheter. Four—and they’d only succeeded because a sneaky nurse had put something into my IV that made me loopy in the head and weak in the arms and legs. No, I was making the correct decision. Wasn’t I?
“Could I see each of them before making my final decision…Sir?” I added that ‘Sir’ a bit too late.
When he looked down at me, the smile on his face was the sweetest I’d ever seen. The words that followed—not so sweet.
“Absolutely not, Baker. The biggest part of the fun is the surprised expression on your face when you see what I’m going to do to you.”
“Fun for you,” I grumbled.
“That’s a true statement,” he agreed.
“I’m going to veto the penis wand,” I said firmly.
“Excellent decision,” Seth answered, totally backtracking from what he’d just said to me.
I supposed that’s when I knew I’d probably made the wrong decision. The motherfucker was too damned pleased with himself.
He used his body to block me seeing the contents on the cart as he removed something, and when he turned back around, the fabric was back in place and he held a small black case in one hand.
“Let me show you the pleasure you denied yourself, Baker.”
Fuck, that was a small box. I should have chosen to keep that one on my list.
He opened the box and pulled out a thin piece of metal with a slight curve on each end. The toy in his hand looked to be about six inches in length.
As I studied the metal, I decided I’d made the correct decision after all. When I said, ‘thin piece of metal’, I didn’t mean that thin. Or, at least, not thin enough!
“This is a penis wand, Baker. They are officially known as sounds, but penis wand is a term which allows one to get an idea of what their purpose is. The box contains different sizes, starting with a 3mm and moving up to a 19mm. The different sizes are available so that we can gradually and gently enlarge your urethra.”
I looked at him. I looked at the piece of metal in his hand. Then I looked down at my dick. His explanation of the penis wand and its uses hadn’t done anything to soften my erection. I felt confident, though, that if he came near me with that thing, my cock would deflate faster than a jumpy house with the plug pulled. “Well…thanks for that, but I’m one hundred percent happy with my decision to toss that particular toy into the never-gonna-happen column.”
His eyes sparkled. “Never say never, Beautiful.” With a wink, he put the strip of metal back into the black box and sat it on the second shelf of his cart. Straightening back up, he rubbed his hands together with glee and said, “Crawl over here.” He motioned for me to follow him to the other side of the room. “I had this delivered this morning while we were at the gym. I’ve always wanted one but never actually put forth the effort to find one I liked.” He looked at me. “Lucky for you, I found the perfect one just in time for you to be my first victim.”
A large piece of some sort of furniture was covered with a white sheet. I gulped in trepidation. Seth owned quite an extensive selection of sex furniture in the playroom of his apartment. What could this bad boy be?
“Victim? Did I say victim? I didn’t mean victim, per se,” he said with a chuckle, causing me to return my attention to him. “I should have said my first lucky participant!”
My eyes narrowed at him. “Rah—rah. Lucky me.” Looking at the white sheet again, I added, “Oddly enough, I don’t feel lucky.”
He ripped the sheet away and tossed it aside—kinda like a magician would do on a grand stage. Still on my knees, I tilted my head from side to side to try and figure out what the contraption was. After a few seconds, I had it.
I wasn’t lucky.
It was some sort of gynecological exam chair that had obviously been the lucky contestant to win a complete overhaul on Pimp-My-Gyno, Episode 1. Fuck, fuck, fuck. Stirrups and everything. There were bondage straps everywhere. Mirrors in places where I couldn’t begin to imagine I’d want to see whatever was in that reflection. I’d told him humiliation wasn’t my thing.
I’d lied. My cock was weeping as I gazed at the cynical-looking exam chair.
He patted the black leather seat and said, “Hop aboard, Sweet Tart. I plan to be incredibly…thorough with you today and this new beauty is going to help me achieve
my goal.” He patted the seat again. His eyes glittered. “Now, Baker.”
I stood up, knees trembling, and walked the two steps necessary to put me close enough to ‘hop aboard’, as he’d suggested. The construction was odd, but it didn’t take me long to figure out where my ass went. After I was appropriately situated, Seth moved in to take over. The fucker hummed a merry little tune as he tightened straps across my chest, fastened my wrists into comfortable cuffs located next to my waist, then pulled the stirrups out far enough that my legs would be spread wide. “Feet in the stirrups,” he ordered. My feet, fucking traitors, moved with a will of their own. It took him but mere seconds to have them fastened snuggly and firmly into the stirrups.
Just for the hell of it, I tugged, but the bondage fasteners held tight. Just for the fuck of it, I put some real leg muscles into making the table move, but nothing happened. Just for the fuckity fuck of it, I struggled with everything in me…and nothing budged.
When I finally stopped, he said, “Are you done playing, or do you need to safe word, Baker? That was an intense attack on my bondage straps. You should try to take better care with your Dom’s toys.”
I was literally at a loss for words. One would think I should feel like a complete and utter fool—completely naked, strapped in, and spread wide enough that Seth could see every part of me. I probably would have, but when I looked into his eyes and saw the naked hunger residing there as he looked at me, I was good.
More than good.
Fucking good!
“Say your safe word for me, Baker,” Seth ordered harshly.
“I, uh, don’t need to safe word,” I answered quickly. Panic started at the tips of my toes and raced up my legs and spine. I didn’t want to stop. Frankly, I had no clue what was about to happen, but I knew I wanted it. If Seth wanted it, then so did I.
“Say. It. For. Me. Now.”
“Rainbow,” I answered.
“Very good,” he said, his voice changing back to the deep growl I associated with Seth the Dom. “Don’t allow me to push too hard. I have to trust you’ll safe word if things become too…intense. Can I trust you, Baker?”
“Always.” I couldn’t really believe he would ask me that after all the things I’d already exposed about myself to him but, then again, his plans for this day would certainly be driving a straight man over the crazy cliff. As I gazed down at my leaking cock, I knew there was no questioning it—I was gay for Seth.
Maybe nobody else. Probably nobody else. Only Seth.
“Good,” he answered. “I trust you, as well.” He stepped away and returned with his cart of goodies in tow. “Are you comfortable?” he asked as he reached down and tugged at one of my balls…which just dangled in the air because of the position of the seat.
“No, there’s absolutely nothing comfortable about being exposed like this,” I answered honestly. He hadn’t asked me if it was arousing or erotic. If he had, my answer would have been completely different.
“Good,” he answered again, a pleasant smile on his face. “Okay, let’s start out with something easy—something fun for you, shall we?”
“I think we should,” I answered. “That’s always a good place to start…and finish.”
“Tsk. Tsk.”
His hand reached for a lever that was attached to the bottom of the exam chair and the entire thing started slowly moving, turning me upside down. When the motor stopped running and I was looking at the floor, he moved toward me and started fumbling with something else on the seat of the chair. Well, what used to be the seat. Since I was hanging upside down, I wasn’t sure what you’d call it now. After a few more seconds of his twisting and turning things, the infamous seat was removed, and my ass was fully exposed and thrust into the air.
“What the fuck?” I hissed in embarrassment. “Uh…are you sure this is safe?”
He chuckled. “I feel completely safe, Baker.”
Still laughing at his smartass comment, he took the leather seat he’d just removed, slipped it against my belly, and started screwing it into place. When he’d finished that, the comfort level definitely improved. Sure, I still felt exposed and vulnerable, just like he wanted me too, but I no longer felt like I was dangling in mid—air. I glanced down and backward to see my hard dick pointing toward the floor. A small wet spot marked the ground directly beneath it. Next, he put a strap around my forehead, which helped hold my head up without me having to use any neck muscles.
“How do you feel about ball gags?” he asked in his irritatingly chipper voice. Before I could answer, he added, “Don’t worry about your safe word. I’ll give you a bell to hold in your hand. All you need to do is drop it and everything stops.”
Not for one second did I think I’d need my safe word with Seth, but I acted like I contemplated saying no…just to keep him on his toes. “I guess it’s okay,” I finally mumbled in a tone which perfectly mimicked a pouty sub. It earned me a hard slap to my ass.
The sting felt delightful.
“Open,” he ordered and as soon as I obeyed, he shoved the ball gag into my mouth and attached it to the head rest. All in all, it was fairly comfortable. I didn’t for one second dream it would stay that way. A small bell was tucked into my palm. “Drop it for me,” he ordered. When I dropped it, it made an annoying tinkling sound. He put it back into my palm. “Very good, Baker.”
I closed my eyes and melted into a puddle of lust when he said my name. I didn’t do it every time—only when he made it sound like a fucking caress.
“A healthy prostate is not only vital to a man’s health, Baker, it can also offer a great deal of pleasure when properly stimulated. The toy I’m about to use on you was developed specifically to send pulse after pleasurable pulse against your prostate. It’s going to feel exquisite.” He nipped at my neck and whispered, “It’s going to feel like torture, too.”
He disappeared for a second and when he returned to stand in front of me again, I could see he held something in his hand. The bands across my forehead and the one securing the ball gag in my mouth prevented me from moving enough to see the toy. I squirmed. He laughed.
“The one I’ve chosen for you is approximately four inches in length and about the circumference of two of my fingers. I’m going to lube it up really nice for you and then slowly ease it in. Jingle your bell if you’re okay with that.”
Fuck him for making me ask for it, even with a fucking ball gag in my mouth. My hand twitched and the bell jingled. Excitement bubbled inside of me when he moved to stand between my obscenely spread legs. One of his hands, large, hot, and strong, massaged my ass cheeks while he kept whispering how I needed to relax.
Which was stupid. What I needed was him to put that toy in my ass.
Instead, he kept massaging. Sometimes it was a caress, gentle and soft. Other times, he was rougher. He even spanked my ass cheek several times. When a finger finally slid between my cheeks, I nearly jumped out of my skin and made an embarrassing noise which was muffled by the ball gag. Several times he did that, just teased the skin between my cheeks but then quickly moved back to massaging. Finally, after what seemed like a lifetime and when my moans of frustration became embarrassingly loud, he used his hand to spread my cheeks wide apart, exposing my hole.
I didn’t have long to ponder what I must look like to him or how humiliated I should be. As he held me open, I felt something hard push against my pucker.
“Push out against it, Baker,” he ordered softly.
I pushed like he requested and would have screamed loud enough to wake the dead if the damned ball gag wasn’t in my mouth when he pushed the entire length of the toy inside me at once. It burned. I felt…too full. It was too much.
We needed to start with a fucking smaller size!
“Does this hand still work?” he asked as he grabbed the fist holding my safe word bell.
When he softened his grasp, I shook my hand to show him I was fine. I wasn’t fine, though. It burned like a motherfucker. If that was four inches, my co
ck was a good solid eight. There was no way that was four inches. Absolutely, positively no way.
“Your ass feels full, doesn’t it?” he said as he walked away from me. “Almost too full. Almost too much for you to handle.”
When I saw him again, he was placing a large chair directly in front of me, almost touching my head. Just as I realized he meant to sit his ass right in fucking front of me, his cock slapped me on the jaw as he squeezed his body between me and the chair.
He’d gotten naked. Seth was completely naked. Seth was completely naked and sitting in a chair only inches away from my head. When his hand reached down to stroke his own hard length, I moaned through the ball gag.
Fuck, his cock was beautiful. Naturally, he was bigger than me—wouldn’t that be my luck? He was thicker and longer, the bulbous head too impossibly large to fit inside another man. Veins ran the length and my tongue, trapped behind the gag, itched to trace the path. A heavy drop of precum looked like a pearl sitting atop his slit.
He scooted the chair closer. If the strap wasn’t around my forehead, I could have easily lowered my lips enough to lick him. His scent….
Fuck, he smelled good. Why would I think that? I inhaled deeply again, memorizing his smell so I could jack off to it when I was alone, and my hands weren’t tied. His balls were huge, hairless, and looked like they begged for my touch. Every damned thing about him was gorgeous in a totally masculine way. Weird, I’d never really admired the male physique before. Sure, I’d noticed when a guy was bigger than me, as many were, but I’d really been sizing them up to see if they were a danger to me.