Sub Mission Read online

Page 8

  I’d never taken the role of submissive outside the confines of a club or the playroom of my Mistress, so the game Seth played was new to me. As I washed the dishes, I was very aware of his eyes on my ass. By the time I’d finished, my hands trembled and my cock wept precum. At one point, my hand went down to squeeze the base of my cock and before I could manage to do anything to ease the ache between my legs, he was up and standing directly behind me. My hand froze mid-air.

  He took hold of both my hands pulled them in front of me and told me to hold them there. After that, he proceeded to give both ass cheeks three hard swats with his bare hand. “Don’t ever think to touch yourself without my permission, Baker.” His hand reached down and wrapped around the hardness of my cock, giving my length several slow strokes. He swiped my leaking slit with the tip of his finger and used it as lubricant. His other hand reached between my legs from behind and toyed with my balls. “Spread your legs wider for me.”

  My mind should have been screaming ‘a man is touching your cock and balls again’. Maybe it ought to have been screaming those words but instead it demanded ‘open your legs wider’.

  I opened my legs wider.

  It seemed odd with one of his hands coming at me from behind while one worked my cock from the front. Before I could stop myself, I leaned back against the hardness of his chest and whispered, “Thank you, Sir.”

  His hands froze and then pulled away. I whimpered—literally whimpered.

  “Put some workout clothes on. We’re going to spend a couple of hours in the gym working out and then we’re going to hand out your punishments. Understood?”

  “Yes, Sir.” There was no doubting the pout in my voice.

  I started to walk away to do as he’d ordered when he said, “If you go in your room and touch yourself, Baker, I’ll make you wish you hadn’t.”

  I whirled around. “You seriously want me to go to the gym sporting a hard—on? Don’t you think that might be a bit…distracting to the other residents of the building?”

  “What will be distracting to the other residents will be when I bend you over my knee and spank your bare ass in front of them. The people in that gym probably won’t find it as sexy and entertaining as the clubbers did last night. Do you really want to embarrass yourself that way?”

  I glared at him. He glared back.

  He’d do it. I knew he would.


  Exactly two hours and ten minutes later, we were riding the elevator back up to our penthouse suite. Sweat dripped off my body and my muscles ached in places I didn’t even know existed. He’d worked me harder in the gym than he did in the playroom. I should be exhausted, but instead felt exhilarated. A good workout always gave me a buzz, but working out with Seth by my side, issuing orders and demands in words that often sounded more like growls, caused me to feel like I’d set up permanent residency on Cloud Nine.

  During our workout he told me parts of what he had planned to do to me that day. I’d shivered with a mixture of fear and delight. We were going to spend the next few hours playing. Well, I called it playing, he’d called it stretching my virgin ass with every toy he’d brought with him. After that, we would spend the evening relaxing in the hot tub. Later tonight, he planned to grill us steaks and vegetables. There’d been a brief argument between us over that. I’d lost. If I wanted the steak, I had to eat the vegetables. No negotiations.

  He’d left out mentioning what we might do in the bed that night, but my own imagination had kept my mind preoccupied during the hour long run on the treadmill. Tomorrow, he planned on another session during the day and then we were going to go to a club—not a BDSM club, but a dance club. Like a date. I loved to dance and couldn’t wait to see Seth on the dance floor. The next night would be showtime at Javier’s club, where it was my responsibility to draw as much attention to myself as I could. Landon wanted us to draw this guy out of hiding and to do it quickly.

  I never wanted the Miami trip to end.

  And, it was thinking stupid fucking shit like that last thought that would end up destroying me. This was a job. I was a job to Seth. What we were about to do in his playroom was practice for the show at the club. I needed to force my head to stop thinking of it in any other way.

  We stepped off the elevator and he punched in the code to unlock the door. While we’d been out, Landon’s men had swept the suite for cameras or recording devices and then kept watch over it in our absence. From what Seth told me, they would do this every time we left. They were good—I hadn’t seen anybody watching us…good or bad. Of course, I seemed to only have eyes for Seth.

  “Do you need to rest before we go to the playroom?” he asked, interrupting my thoughts.

  “No, Sir,” I answered quickly.

  “Go shower and meet me in there in twenty minutes.”

  When I started to walk away, he grabbed my upper arm and jerked me back toward him. “Remember, Baker. There’s nobody watching in that room. It’s only us—Dom and sub. At any time you want to stop something, give me your safe word. I need to learn what you’re going to be comfortable or uncomfortable with before we visit Javier’s club again. Understood?”

  “Yes, Sir,” I answered. He’d just made it perfectly clear. His words reminded me that this was nothing more than a job to him.

  With my chin up, I spun around and left him standing there. Fuck him for making me feel like shit for feeling.

  Chapter 7


  I stood in the entryway, staring at Baker’s ass as he walked away. When he turned into the opening of his bedroom and quietly closed the door, I hissed out a string of curse words. I’d done something to upset him. What had I done? One minute there was a fire in his beautiful blue eyes and the next second, the fire flickered and then dimmed to nothing.

  I went over the words in my head. Nothing. What could have upset him about his safety word reminder? I was only trying to take care of him. I was afraid that he, like me, had allowed lines to get blurred. Was his obvious desire to submit forcing him to follow my demands, even if he found them…repulsive?

  Fuck no, he’d purred too loud last night.

  Continuing to curse, I headed to my own bedroom, showered, dressed in tight leather pants, boots, and added a chest harness that made a crisscross pattern over my upper chest. I dressed the part, but my mind still worried about what had triggered the change in Baker. Had I scared him in the gym? Sure, I’d been fairly explicit when describing what I had planned for him in today’s session, but he’d been turned on to the point that anyone could have seen the outline of his cock through his baggy sweats. If they were partially blind and missed that, they surely wouldn’t have missed the wet spot on the front. He’d been aroused by my dirty talk.

  What the fuck happened?

  Still pondering the question, I went online to Javier’s club to see if there were any comments, and my eyes widened in disbelief. There were over five hundred comments regarding the scene between Baker and me the previous night. There’d been maybe fifty people in the club and that had led to five hundred comments?

  I smiled. This was exactly what Landon had hoped for.

  With all the online chit chat regarding the new sub, nabbing Baker would be a wet dream for this guy…whoever he was. I should feel ecstatic—we’d catch the son of a bitch even faster. The problem was, I didn’t want my time with Baker to come to an end.

  I was so fucked. Without understanding how I’d managed to let myself fall so far and so fast for a freakin’ straight boy, I headed toward the room we’d designated the playroom.

  Inside the makeshift playroom, that was minus three-fourths of my toys, held none of my hand—made sex furniture, and didn’t begin to have proper acoustics for an acceptable sound system…I found the only item that truly mattered—Baker. He was naked and kneeling next to the door. As I looked him over, I noticed most of the tension had left his body. I wasn’t surprised, he truly did enjoy submitting and it calmed his soul.

�You’re a big hit in Javier’s online chat room,” I told him. “You’ve done very well, Baker. I’m pleased with you.”

  “Thank you, Sir.” He paused and then quietly added, “I’ve enjoyed myself…immensely.”

  I couldn’t stop the smile the words caused to form on my face. “Yes, Baker, so have I,” I told him. “However, after some…explorations last night, it appears that my sub’s ass is a bit tight. The game we played at Javier’s last night will be forgotten and the crowd will be hungry for more. Are you ready to try more?” I bent down in front of him and used the tip of my finger to lift his chin. “How far are you willing to go, Baker?”

  He paused, blinked, and answered, “As far as necessary, Sir.”

  I chuckled. “I doubt that.” I walked to the center of the room and said, “Crawl to me, Baker.”

  Without hesitation, he dropped his hands to the floor and crawled in my direction. It wasn’t a seductive tease crawl like a lot of my subs had used in the past. No, it was an honest—to—God crawl. He couldn’t have looked sexier if he’d trained in a harem somewhere.

  When he stopped in front of me, I said, “Very good. I checked Javier’s online chat room and it appears my sub is the absolute talk of the Miami BDSM world. You’re doing very well.”

  I looked down at his shoulders and noticed he was tight and tense. Frowning, I wondered what troubled him. We’d disagreed about many things and out and out fought over others, but in the playroom, participating in a scene, he’d thus far been spot—on, and it was because he enjoyed it. Baker was naturally submissive and had been trained well. His body and mind automatically performed perfectly once he placed himself in the proper environment. What was different today? Was it because of what happened last night? Neither of us discussed it—just tucked it away like it never happened. I assumed that’s what he would want.

  Of course, it could always be that after last night, after things turned somewhat intimate, maybe he didn’t feel comfortable in his submissive role with a male Dom.

  Whatever the reason was…regardless of who or what was to blame, I didn’t play with someone if they weren’t physically and mentally involved. The world was too dangerous for there to be any hint of hesitation.

  I reached down and brushed his hair aside, tucking some behind his ear. “We’re finished for today, Baker. Thank you for trying. Get dressed and I’ll meet you in the living room.”

  His head snapped up and his eyes were wide as saucers. “Wh-what did I do wrong?”

  “Absolutely nothing,” I answered firmly. Squatting in front of him, I said, “Baker, you are more than perfect for any Dominant, male or female. Your submission is the most beautiful gift I’ve ever received. You aren’t at fault in any way.”

  I started to stand back up, but he yanked me down. “Then why are you ending the scene? I…I thought we were…experimenting with things today. You said there were things we needed to do to prepare for our next appearance at the club.”

  He acted panicked and I hated seeing the look on his face. It made me want to kiss away his fears…but he’d made it plain kissing was the last thing he wanted from me.

  “I can read your body, Baker. You don’t want to be here, doing this. It’s okay not to want to participate. If you aren’t in the mood or just don’t want to do it with me, you don’t have to today, tomorrow, or ever again and that will be fine. Forcing someone, physically or mentally, is unacceptable.”

  His eyes dropped to the floor, looked around the room, and then back to me. I tried to prepare for what was about to come out of his mouth. If I’d learned anything about Baker, it was that he wasn’t afraid to speak his mind, even when it made him uncomfortable. Right now, I could see how he struggled to find the words to explain what bothered him.

  After several seconds, he said, “It isn’t that I don’t want to be here with you, Seth.” He paused and took another deep breath before plowing ahead. “It just seems…not right, you know?”

  No, I didn’t know. I had no idea how we went from where we were last night to…here. Of course, I was a fucking idiot because anything and everything I did with Baker seemed…right. “Help me understand, Baker. I’m struggling with your body language. I realize we haven’t had many opportunities together, but you’ve never seemed tense before now. Is it because of what we did last night? Is that what’s changed things for you?”

  “Uh…yeah,” Baker answered like I was a moron.

  “I see,” I answered. I tried to keep the anger out of my voice but felt confident that I’d failed. Me being pissed off at him for being honest was pretty shitty, so I struggled to force myself to remain professional. “How would you like me to address this with Landon? Do you think you’d be comfortable with the two of us visiting the club, but not participating in a scene? There’s been so much online chatter that we might be able to get away with minimal engagement.”

  When he looked at me this time, he didn’t even attempt to hide his eye roll. “No, Seth, you don’t see. Oh, and keep Landon out of this,” he snapped. “When we started this…assignment, I knew it would be something I could do—even if you didn’t have the same faith in my submissive abilities. I’ve participated in BDSM for a long time. It’s given me the opportunity to hand over control to someone else, which helps with my OCD issues. I’ve, uh, had some really good Mistresses over the years. I know how to act in a scene.”

  I frowned. “It isn’t supposed to be acting, Baker.”

  “Let me finish,” he said with a frown to equal my own.

  I nodded for him to continue—my anger beginning to ebb. His frustrations made me ache somewhere near the heart area…which was above and beyond idiocy.

  “With the others, it was different. Maybe I was…acting, I don’t know. I didn’t think I was. Like I said, I enjoyed it. I’ve always gotten what I wanted.” His eyes locked with mine. “Until now.”

  Well, fuck. There was no denying or lying, which hurt like a mother—fucker.

  His tongue swiped his bottom lip before he continued. “Now, with you, what I’m doing doesn’t feel natural.”


  “I’m saying and doing what I think I’m supposed to, the way I’ve been trained, but it isn’t what I want to do. I want what we’re doing to be more…real. There are things I want to do and say but I know they’re out of line.”

  My stupid little heart jumped up for a high-five, right inside my chest. “What do you mean ‘out of line’, Baker? There isn’t a schoolbook of BDSM which describes how each submissive or dominant should behave. It should always be what makes both comfortable and brings enjoyment. No Dom or Domme wants a submissive whose responses are faked.”

  He started shaking his head. “It isn’t like I’ve been faking. I haven’t. It’s just that when I’m with you, my responses are different…spontaneous, almost. When it’s always been easy to answer with a simple yes, or no, Ma’am, it’s not so easy now. I want to ask questions and say things.” His head dropped again and with the next statement, his voice lowered. “In my mind, I see me saying smartass, pouty things and I guess I’m asking for leniency for a while.” He waved in my direction and added, “All this is new to me and I don’t really have the experience or training to act properly. I just…I just want it to be more real.”

  Real—there was nothing I wanted more. I caressed his cheek and he leaned into my touch. Warning alarms sounded in my head. Baker was dangerous. He had the power to steal my heart and then, when he tired of his curiosity, crush that same heart when he walked away.

  As he continued to rub into my hand like a cat rubbed against its beloved owner, I realized the pleasure would be worth the pain. No one before Baker had gotten close to touching my heart and I suspected he’d ruin it for all those after him.

  “Are you asking if you can be my pouty sub and not be disciplined for your actions?” I asked, forcing my voice into a teasing tone. More than anything, I wanted to alleviate the worry that had his shoulders tense and a frown on his puff
y lips. Baker was beautiful when he smiled and laughed—so damned beautiful that I found myself craving the look and sound like an addict craved drugs.

  A hint of a smile touched his lips. “You know I don’t mind the discipline, I actually enjoy that.” His blue eyes locked with mine and he added, “I just don’t want to disappoint you.”

  I heard my own breath hitch in my throat and my heart tumbled. “Never, Baker. There’s nothing you could do within the walls of this room or outside these walls that would disappoint me.” The tension literally evaporated before my very eyes. The small smile turned into a larger one.

  “Okay. Thank you, Sir.”

  His voice already sounded sassy. I knew right then and there that today was going to be something new for me. It was rare that I didn’t find enjoyment in my role as a dominant, sometimes a lot more enjoyment than others, but always pleasure. With Baker, I had a feeling I was about to have plenty of enjoyment…but some fun, as well. It was going to be a day of experimentation for both of us.

  “What would you like to do today, my sweet little sub?” I asked. “What dirty deeds are you going to allow me to perform on you?”

  His lips moved around on his face in a comical way and his eyes darted around the room. “Uh, yeah, what you mentioned earlier, at the gym, sounded okay with me.”

  His cheeks were colored a pretty pink as he answered me.

  “No, that’s not going to work for me, Baker,” I answered with a smile of my own. “I want to hear you say it. Think back to all the things I mentioned this morning, and tell me which one you want to start with.” I stood back up and patted him on the head. “Be explicit, please. I love words which help me visualize a specific scene.”

  Chapter 8


  Be explicit? I might have known Seth would find a way to agree to my terms, yet make it as erotically uncomfortable for me as humanly possible. I had, however, been surprised when he’d so easily seen through my tension the moment we’d started. Hell, I hadn’t even really known how tense I was until he brought it up. I’d only known something wasn’t right with how I felt. This morning, when we’d done the breakfast thing, it had been totally new for me and I’d been completely comfortable with the fact I hadn’t known how to react properly, and it had been fun. In the playroom, though, I knew what was expected of me. When those two worlds collided, me being able to just respond to what Seth presented to me versus me doing what was expected of me as a trained sub, it put me in a definite funk.