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Sub Mission Page 14

  “Scoot up a little, babe,” he said as he patted my ass and moaned, “Oh, fuck, your hole is beautiful. It’s still open right now, stretched wide from my fingers. I need to make sure I use a speculum sometime real soon.”

  Speculum, my ass. I didn’t need him peering inside of me…unless he wanted to, of course. Jeezus, I’d do anything he asked.

  Still confident, I scooted up like he’d instructed. There was no doubt in my mind that I could do this. Guys did this every day. I enjoyed pain. What was there to worry about? I’d go slow…everything would be fine.

  Famous last fucking words. Fifteen minutes later, I’d managed, with much more effort on my part than I’d ever anticipated, and a hell of a lot more cussing, to get the bulbous head of his cock inside of me. That was it. Not a goddamned inch more. I’d been hiking one time when I was a kid and we’d all gotten that hare-brained idea to climb a huge fucking rock—just by hanging and dangling. Stupid kid shit. I’d gotten half way up the rock, and then froze in fear. I couldn’t go the rest of the way up. I couldn’t climb back down. Fucking frozen. That was exactly how I felt with the tip of Seth’s cock in my ass.

  He was breathing hard and struggling to keep his hips still. He said all the right things, telling me how good I was doing and how sexy I looked. Then telling me it was okay to stop, that there were plenty of other things we could do. Then…nothing. I was pretty sure he’d lost his ability to speak. He could only focus on not moving. Of course, that might have something to do with every damned time he moved just a fraction, like when he took a breath, I barked at him to lie the fuck still.

  I’d hit the point to where my plan was to offer him all the money in my savings account to knock me out, go balls deep, and then when I woke up…voila! A slight tremble in his body, almost like a vibration, jerked me back to my incredibly harsh reality.

  “Are you laughing at me?” I growled.

  “No, of course not,” he answered quickly. After another second, he said, “Yes. Yes, I’m laughing. I’m sorry, Sweet Tart, but when it’s all over, you’ll be able to laugh about it, too. Let’s call this a night on anal sex and have some sixty-nine fun. You’ve gotten tense on me and trust me when I say, it ain’t gonna work unless you’re relaxed. It’s okay, babe. I’ll make sure you have a night of multiple orgasms.”

  Well, shit. I was a lot of things, but a quitter wasn’t one of them. “Move and die,” I warned him. Of course, Seth wasn’t a quitter either—he’d been hard the entire time and didn’t seem to be softening up at all. My dick, on the other hand, had taken on a somewhat wilted appearance. Sticking my hand behind me, I demanded, sounding a lot like a doctor in an ER room, “Lube!”

  “Come on, babe. You’re killing me,” he moaned but squirted what was left of the lube onto my palm.

  “Don’t you dare act like you’re on the losing end of this…stick,” I argued as I massaged the lube onto my softened cock. I knew what I liked and within minutes, my focus was back where it needed to be—my pleasure. After a few seconds, Seth saw what I was doing and urged me on with the dirtiest, most wicked details I’d ever heard. He described how sexy my ass looked, my cock looked, and every other beautiful inch of me—his words, not mine.

  I leaned over and braced myself on one arm and stroked my cock with the other. Up and down, with a twist at the top. I was just getting into the swing of things when I felt one of his hands begin to play with my balls. He tested the weight of each, rolled them around, and then used a finger to push against my taint. Waves of pleasure rolled through my body as, between the two of us, each of my erogenous spots were teased and tormented.

  “Brace yourself with your knees and use that hand to play with your nipples,” he urged. “I know you love twisting and pinching them. Do it, babe. Do it and let me hear how much you love it.”

  Carefully, I lifted my weight from my arm, balanced myself, and did as he’d suggested. My nipples were sensitive. Within minutes, my moans echoed around the room. It all felt so good. The pleasure too perfect. My hips rocked into my fist as I fucked my own hand. Seth kept up his good work on my balls and taint.

  My head leaned back as the promise of an orgasm crept up on me. My hips moved faster into my hand and my balls tightened. Instead of gripping them like before, Seth teased them with the tips of his fingers and urged me to come for him. He kept the pressure on my taint, pushing hard against the spot. Another two strokes and I roared my release. My cum spurted across the bedsheets, painting them streak after streak with my spunk. My entire body quivered and trembled with the afterglow of my earth shattering climax.

  When my breathing settled, and I was able to return to the land of the living again, I found myself fully seated on Seth’s cock. I wasn’t sure how it had happened—whether I’d impaled myself on his rod during my orgasm or if Seth had thrust upward. It didn’t matter.

  Seth’s cock was in my ass. The entire thing. All of it. I felt his balls resting against mine. Somewhere in the back of my head We Are The Champions started playing but it was more like I Was The Champion.

  I felt way too full and the burn was definitely there, but nothing like before.

  It felt…fucking perfect—like it was what I’d waited my entire life for.

  I felt his hands caress down the center of my back and stop on my waist, right above my hips. I looked down and the sight of his fingers gripped against my hip bones was a damned sexy sight. I felt like a possession—Seth’s possession.

  “Fuck, Baker,” he whispered. “I would have given anything to see your face when you came undone. Don’t get me wrong, my view was beautiful, but seeing your eyes darken…damn.”

  I felt drunk. Fabulously drunk—not the sloppy drunk one got from drinking alcohol. I was on a sexual high and felt confident that as long as I was with Seth, it would never go away.

  “Turn around and look at me, Baker. I need to finish, and I want to watch your face when I’m fucking you.”

  I knew my eyes were droopy with exhaustion when I looked over my shoulder at him. “I hope you aren’t implying that I use my stripper pole skills and spin around with the grace of a porn star. Nope. No can do.” I leaned forward on my arms and tried to get my breathing back to normal. Sweat poured off my body, mixing with the obscene amount of lube we’d used. Between that and my cum, our bed was a hot mess.

  He smacked my ass. “Then get off and get back on again. I’ve really shown some restraint, Baker, and I think I need my reward.”

  I started shaking my head immediately. “Nuh—uh. It’s in there, I may never let you take it out.”

  I yelped in surprise when those same hands I’d been admiring only seconds ago, lifted me off his cock, spun me around, and slammed me back down onto his stiffness. He wasn’t gentle. I smiled. It didn’t hurt. And, just like that, I was a professional. I wriggled my ass, testing the fit, and then lifted up and seated myself again. I’d already come once, but with that first slide on his pole, I felt blood start a nice, steady flow toward my cock.

  “Everything good?” he growled.

  His gorgeous face was twisted in pain. I guess I had fucking tortured him while I’d been focused solely on my own pleasure.

  “Sure. It looks like I’m going to survive but….”

  Another yelp when I found myself being manhandled again. He flipped me onto my back, keeping his cock lodged deep inside my ass the entire time, grabbed the spots behind my knees, and pushed my legs back to where my knees were somewhere really close to my ears.

  “You might want to get a tight hold on that headboard, Baker. The ride’s about to get rough.”

  I grinned and raised my hands up to grip the headboard. “Rough. Got it. Let’s see what you’ve got, big guy.”

  True to his word, he fucked me rough. His hips thrusted like a piston. Fast and hard. He’d pull almost completely out and then slam into me again. My feet were in the air. My hands gripped the headboard…the same headboard that banged against the wall with each and every thrust. He wouldn’t bre
ak me, but I didn’t feel the same confidence for the bed’s survival.

  There weren’t words to describe how fucking sexy he looked as he pounded into me. The corded muscles of his shoulders strained. Veins bulged. Sweat dripped from his face. His balls slapped my ass with the rhythm that followed the banging on the wall. The entire time, though, his eyes were locked with mine. The stormy gray orbs were dark and swirling with arousal. It looked primal. I knew without any doubts, he was laying claim to my body.

  Minutes later, he slammed into me and roared his release. I felt his cock jerk and convulse inside me as he emptied into the condom. It was the strangest, most wonderful feeling. I wanted the condom gone. I wanted to know what it would feel like for his jizz to fill me to the point of overflowing. I was imagining how my hole would look with his cum leaking out when he jolted me back to reality when pulling out and collapsing on the bed next to me.

  He struggled to breathe. I purred with contentment to see what I’d done to him.

  Unfortunately, my cock was hard again, and I was ready for round two…and he looked like he might not recover from round one. Trying to make myself useful while he recovered, I removed the condom from his softened cock, tied it at the end, and rolled out of bed to throw it away and grab some wet rags to wipe us down with. Supporting my own weight, however, turned out to be tougher than I could have ever imagined. My legs felt like noodles. My ass felt like somebody had shoved a bag of firecrackers in there and lit the fuse.

  “Ouch,” I whined but forced myself to walk the short distance to the bathroom so I could take care of business. Fuck, I’d be feeling that for a while. I never wanted the feeling to go away.

  Armed with my wet rags, I walked back into the bedroom, half expecting him to be snoring, and was shocked to see him sitting on the edge of the bed. He looked me up and down, and then said, “I hope you didn’t try to wash that lube out of your ass. You’re gonna need it, Sweet Tart. We just got started.”

  Sassy Seth was as sexy as Dom Seth. Weird, I would never have thought it possible. I climbed onto the bed and handed him one of the rags. “We’ve made a mess.”

  He chuckled and answered, “No, you made a mess. I kept mine contained.”

  “In my ass,” I grumbled as I wiped the sweat off my body before using the rag to try and wipe my spunk off the bedding.

  He grabbed my hand, took the rag, and tossed it aside. “I’m not finished with you yet. No need to clean up…unless you’ve had enough, of course.”

  Good God in the heavens…he looked almost shy. The sight was so hilarious, I barked out a laugh. I tugged him onto the bed, forced him to lie flat, and then snuggled up next to him. Weird, I’d never been a snuggler before Seth. “Maybe I’m not finished with you yet,” I challenged.

  He rolled to his side, leaving us facing each other—chest to chest, cock to cock, and legs entwined. Using the tip of his finger, he traced the outline of my lips in the sweetest gesture ever and then dropped his hand lower to tweak my nipple. Mr. Sweets vanished right before my very eyes. Mr. Dirty Deeds took his place.

  “Are you sure you can handle more? You’ve got to be sore.”

  “Yeah, but that means I’m just going to feel it even more,” I answered truthfully. “I feel like I’m a gay sex god. Do you see how easily I took to it? I mean…I guess some people are just made for it, right?”

  He smacked my ass. “Yeah, Sweet Tart. You slid right down that pole like a regular fireman.”

  After his playful insult, he leaned in, bringing his lips closer to mine, and when I would normally panic and push someone away, I closed my eyes and waited for his mouth to touch mine. Instead, his lips went to my shoulder and began nibbling and kissing. In the same movement, he rolled me onto my back and settled himself between my legs. “Spread those legs, bitch,” he growled.

  It should have pissed me off. It didn’t. I spread my legs, welcoming the feel of his larger frame forcing me against the bed—forcing my legs wide. Kissing his way down my body, he spent a little extra time sucking and biting my nipples. After only a few seconds, my body writhed beneath his. I squirmed and that ridiculous moaning started again. Our cocks bumped against each other and I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t one of the most erotic feelings in my world.

  “I’ve got to have you again.” His voice was even huskier than when we were in the playroom and he was in full Dom-mode.

  My hand frantically searched the mattress for the packet of condoms. Score! I held my treasure in front of his face. “Looks like we’re in luck. There’s like eight more in this box.” Yanking one out, I ripped it open with my teeth, and pulled it out. I pushed on his chest, so he’d know I wanted him to lean back and let me do the honors. Needless to say, my dick was the only one I’d ever suited up before. In case things didn’t go my way and this was my last night of sex with Seth, I wanted to make sure I enjoyed every delicacy on his menu.

  The condom slid on and I toyed with his cock and balls for a few seconds before he pushed my hands away with another one of his growls.

  “Put your legs over my shoulders,” he ordered.

  The second time was much easier—which was good because he plowed straight in. He fucked me with the fast and hard technique he’d used the first time. Then he’d done this deliciously evil thing where he went balls deep, got up on his knees, and just held me there…not moving with his cock stuffed as deep as it could go. It didn’t take long before I was squirming and wriggling, begging and cussing. I felt like a fish on a hook. I had no idea how long he tortured me that way—it felt like hours but was probably more like minutes.

  Then he’d gone and really fucked with my head. His thrusts had turned slow and lazy. His dirty talk was replaced with pretty words that made my heart do weird things. His eyes worshipped me…not my body—just me. It was then that I’d lost everything. My heart soared, and I knew I loved him. He no longer fucked me. We made love.

  At the end, after we’d both come, I’d kissed him. It was unclear which one of us was more shocked. Kissing was supposed to be off my table. A red light. Hard line. Non-negotiable. Something I hadn’t done since high school, and that shit couldn’t really count because I hadn’t had a clue what I was doing.

  I kissed him with everything I had in me. Loving the feel of his lips on mine, their softness when everything else about him was so masculine and hard. The taste. The warmth. The way his hands held both sides of my face. His tongue. Fuck…all of it.

  Seth was my heaven.

  Three orgasms later, Seth dozed off with me snuggled in his arms. We were both exhausted.

  I was in love.

  Yep…love. I lay in the darkness contemplating my next move. I knew I’d royally fucked up and broken every office policy rule in the book, crossed all sorts of sex in the workplace lines, and fallen in love with a man who was more than likely just playing with me. Hell, Seth still thought I was merely experimenting. Would he have made love to me if he’d known I was falling in love? No, he would have more than likely run for his life.

  The thing was, I wasn’t one to hide from the truth. Yes, I’d tried to convince myself what I’d been feeling for Seth wasn’t love, but now that I’d admitted it to myself, there was no going back. I had to tell him how I felt. If he rejected me, I’d have to accept that and deal with it like an adult.

  And when I said, ‘deal with it like an adult’, I meant disappear and never ever face him again. That was, unfortunately, my level of adulthood.

  The only question rattling around in my head was when to tell him. Should I wait until the assignment was over? Could we both be professional with my heart hosting glitter and confetti parties when I looked at him? Hell, I wasn’t even sure I could do another scene with him at Javier’s club. It had been okay when it was merely a physical act. Now? Opposite of okay, in my head.

  Huffing in frustration, I turned my head to look out the window. We had a job to do and if I backed out before it was completed, I could make the both of us look unprofessional. T
hat was unacceptable. On the other hand, was it something I could hold inside me? A part of me suspected that the very next time I looked into his eyes, I would blurt out my feelings, whether the time was right or not.

  The skyline in Miami was beautiful, but I loved where I lived. Seth lived in Denver, Colorado. I lived in Scottsdale, Arizona. I wasn’t into long-distance relationships. This was the first time I’d ever been in love, but I had the feeling that there was a good chance I would be one of those clingy types. I most certainly wouldn’t have any peace of mind worrying about him taking another sub into his playroom.

  Shit, what was I thinking? It wasn’t like Seth was going to fall in love with me—not the way I had with him. He was a player and as much as I’d fussed at him earlier, I was pretty much a virgin…at least in the ways of the heart.

  As I stared at the starry sky and worried about the fact that I’d fallen for someone who probably wouldn’t love me back, the flash of light caught my attention. I lay perfectly still, my eyes drooping to half-slits and waited. I didn’t have to wait long. The flash came again, and it didn’t take much calculation on my part to realize the flashes were coming from the window where Landon’s men had noticed the telescope. They may have thought no one manned the telescope, but it looked a lot like pictures were being taken, or at least that’s what the flashes resembled to me. Was the fact that pictures were being taken even important? It could be perfectly innocent. Well, maybe not innocent but at least not connected to what was happening at Javier’s club.

  I turned my head and looked at Seth, checking to see if he’d noticed anything. His soft snores ruled that possibility out right away. The first thought that crossed my mind was that the faster this man, whoever it was abducting and torturing the subs from Javier’s club, was taken down, the faster I would be able to focus on telling Seth how I felt about him. A part of me hoped this was it-that whoever was on the other side of that lens was our man and he was about to make the biggest mistake of his life. Suddenly, my stomach growled loud enough that I was afraid it might have woken Seth up. I glanced over again, smiled when I heard another snore, and decided that fixing myself a sandwich while I waited to see if Landon called with any instructions wouldn’t be a bad idea. There was also something else I needed to take care of…just in case things didn’t go perfect with our mission.